Better colorized

Moon girls with blue skin! Gotta see it.


I bought the dvd with the two versions on it.I watched the colour
version first and only fast forwarded the black and white version
mostly to see what the blue skin girls looked like in black and white.

I bought Missile to the moon after i saw Queen of outer space
which was a much superior movie than MTTM.

I usually don't mind watching black and white movies
but after seeing MTTM in colour,i find very little reasons
to listen to the black and white version.

The colorized version is indeed the better version.


How do you "listen to" the black-and-white film? Does the colorized version sound better?

The colorized version is bad, period. Who says the moon women are blue? No one in the movie ever says such a thing. It's just something the colorizers made up, not anything correct about the film.

That's what colorization is all about -- lies and fakery. It's a fast-buck scheme by greedy, talentless idiots trolling for people who don't know or care about movies. The colors are, by their nature, made up, not real or accurate, and unnatural.

Colorization is by definition a fraud and a lie. No one with any respect for films or artistic sense supports defacing any movie in this, or any other, way.
