MovieChat Forums > The Killer Shrews Discussion > Movie with a Message: Overpopulation!

Movie with a Message: Overpopulation!

This movie sends a clear warning to everyone on earth that overpopulation of humans may result in the same fate that the killer shrews faced. This was mentioned several times during the movie and was the reason the "scientists" were experimenting with the mutant shrews. Overpopulation of planet earth was a hot topic in the late 1950's and this movie was made in 1959.


Well, I'm not going to start worrying about overpopulation just yet.


why not? the amount of people on earth are soon to each 7 billions (estimated in autum this year) and african countries increase in population by around 24% ratio all the time. there is already overpopulation in africa, thus we see laods of starvation, wars and other things peopel do. obviuosly i dont support them. i mean you cant find food for yourself tne you make 9 children and cry you cant feed them? its your own fault you cant stop *beep*

On the topic, i think soylent green deicted overpopulation pretty well.

"Common sense is not so common."
- Voltaire


Good statistics Starzamonas. Overpopulation is happening before our very eyes. Most of us will live to see 2 or 3 generations.

Mankind must rise above his own biology and begin to make a difference in the fate of our species on planet earth. Will the mind ever win out over body???


Overpopulation is a statistical myth. As the baby boomers start dieing off, our populations will plummet. I highly recommend watching the documentary, Demographic Winter.


"Overpopulation is a statistical myth."

Yeah, because sooner or later, you start to run out of resources and then a die-off occurs. Problem solved! So we shouldn't worry about overpopulation even a little bit. Except for the fact that the environment will be highly degraded by several billion people eating everything in sight. I recently read that the bluefin tuna will probably be extinct in ten years. Most commercial fish will be wiped out by 2050. Our farming methods are destroying the topsoil. Nope. No problems here!

Soylent Green had it wrong in that they thought the plankton would be the last thing surviving in the ocean, but plankton populations are way down. The fact is that we're very efficiently killing everything from the very large to the very small all at once. Killer shrews have nothing on humans.

The fact is, if our population did start to plummet, the world economy would crash, because it's based on the idea of unending exponential growth.


There is no concern for overpopulation, except by people who do not understand reality. Food shortages are not due to over population. It is a distribution problem, not a supply problem.

Obamunism: The end of the Republic.
At times like these, I really hate being right!


Very interesting points of view by all posters. As I said in my OP, overpopulation was a "hot Topic" in the late 1950's and focused on food shortages and starvation. You are correct that today, food shortages are caused by distribution problems, not supply. How do you get the folks that have food to turn over some of their larder to those that are starving? Now it becomes a political problem as well.

In a true communist world, food would be shared. We (thank god) do not live in such a world. Bottom line: people do starve. Why are they really starving? Could it be that they have exceeded the carrying capacity of their own land? I think so. I also think that eventually, the whole world would exceed its carrying capacity and a rebalancing of population would occur world wide. After all, there is a finite amount of food that can be produced.

However, in my opinion, the real problem is not food but scarcity of other resources such as oil. Nations have been willing to kill to protect their oil supplies long before food became a problem. All of these issues of food and commodities scarcity are excerbated by overpopulation: too many people chasing after finite supplies of "whatever". The environmental damage has yet to be fully assessed or apprerciated. Planet earth, as we know it, may not always be able to heal itself.

In summary, while it is true that populations will be rebalanced by famine and war, why not try to do something about the root cause (overpopulation) in a peaceful way? We could avoid a lot of misery to ourselves and damage to our planet and perhaps leave a better leagacy to our children and grandchildren.


Africa is an example of bad managment all around.
In some countries people are starving while at the same time exporting food to rich European(and probably others as well) countries.
Good farmland is used to grow flowers for export(using lots of water , what drought?) or used to grow palmoil. The palmoil is not used in cooking like it was used to but to add to fuel for our cars so they can drive cleaner.
African countries sell big pieces of land to foreighn investors to do with it what they want(china is buying) in return for infrastructure but not much else.
Now the chinese do grow food there(again using lots of water for all those crops) but they ship the food back home.
On the bright side(if you can call it that) lot's of people in africa are sick and die every year(Aids infections keep growing) otherwise the number of starving people would be even higher.

Nullus Anxietas


Good points regarding Africa Ranyhyn. Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East is a mess with populations going up and up. Unemployment is off the charts with nothing for young people to do except make more babies and engage in civil unrest and revolution. The revolution part isn't necessarily a bad thing, but more babies?

No good that I can think of comes from overpopulation. Too many people chasing too few resources always leads to higher prices, instability, and in extreme cases, war. I know AIDS infection kill millions in sub-Saharan Africa as does malaria. Latest news is that a new malaria vaccine has been developed that will save hundreds of thousands of lives a year. Work continues on an AIDS vaccine or cure. Nature taketh away and man's techonolgy giveth back. Go figure!


Yes, God forbid we save more humans! Save the whales, kill the humans....

Give me a break.

The overpopulation myth is just a tactic used by social Darwinists to justify euthanasia and abortion (which, in proper terms, is murder).

Let's not pretend here.....


There are many methods to limit births. Euthanasia and abortion should not be used. By the way, how many "social Darwinists" do you know that hold themselves out as that? I personally have never met one or know of anyone that has.


The guy above U is a catholic apologist. SO obvious.

Decent clothes...a car, but what's it all about?


you have an excellent point there, overpopulation today especially in China is a big problem, Japan also.
are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite


Girl asked me if I was ever gonna have kids, I said no. She asked "Why?"

I said, "Overpopulation."

She looked at me puzzled. This world's gonna go to hell, I can tell.

I'm from Paris... TEXAS
