MovieChat Forums > Journey to the Center of the Earth Discussion > What is the most accurate adaptation of ...

What is the most accurate adaptation of this film?

Ive read the book a few times and Ive only seen the 1959 version and the 2008 version. Both of which deviate from the original story.

In the novel a professor, his nephew and their guide (Hans) are the only ones who take the journey (And Verne goes into explicit detail regarding every step of the journey. From the trip to Iceland, to the volcano, through the tunnels, etc.)

It seems every film version changes or tosses extra characters into the story.

Is there one version which can be considered the most accurate of all?


I devoured the book when I was a kid, and it's stuck with me as a favourite ever since. Jules Verne is still one of my favourite sci-fi writers, regardless of how far behind he's been left by world developments since his time.

There isn't a film version I've ever found that doesn't change the story, but I would vote for this one (the 1959 version) as the closest — it diverges far less from the novel than other versions (the 2008 version was fun but just ridiculous), and it also captures the sense of adventure and mystery far better.

Is that your conclusion too, BioSlave?

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


the 1959 version is still the best

Oh GOOD!,my dog found the chainsaw
