How in the heck?

Just how did Alec end up in the tree naked? Madame Gurteburg said in the boat that alec was thrown from the bowl as they shot out of the volcano, but if that be the case, his shorts coming off and him landing in tree (presumably several miles away) should have killed him, and yet he came out of it unscathed.

someone please help me

ps he could have just been really really drunk


And you don't have any problems with any other stuff in this movie?? he he


It was a rubber tree.

"I'm such a moody fellow; it depends upon my mood."


If that's a Monkey Island reference, that'll make me very happy.


He actually landed in a big pile of sheep wool, but then ran and hid in the tree when the nuns came after him.


Yeah, congratulations on finding the one implausibility in the film.

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win. Gandhi.


there is no explanation for it. Its just movie Magic. Just sit back and enjoy it
Oh GOOD!,my dog found the chainsaw
