Favourite Sellers Film

What's your favourite Peter Sellers film?
I bet it's a very tough decision, but I think I'm All Right Jack could stand up there along with Dr. Strangelove, Being There, A Shot in the Dark, The Party and Pink Panther.

If you are interested you can go and vote for your favourite Peter Sellers movie at http://www.petersellersappreciationsociety.com.

It is the site of the official Peter Sellers Appreciation Society and an excellent recourse for Sellers info. You can also take quizzes and join the mailing list.



This is a great one, but I think my favourite is 'The Wrong Box', where PS plays the hopelessly venal Dr. Pratt, living in an attic with about a million cats. "I was not always as you see me now. The sick and the groggy used to queue at my door..."

Flat, drab passion meanders across the screen!


Best Sellers film?

I can't choose between I'm "Alright Jack" and "The Party"

The former is a classic British comedy, with solid script, good timing and great interplay. The Party however is just rip roaringly funny.

Best Sellers performance? His personal best has to be between the characters he portrayed in "Dr. Strangelove" and Dr. Kabir in "The Millionairess".


the ladykillers



Dr. Strangelove and I'm Allright Jack are my favorites. He should have won Oscars for both and been nominated for Lolita and The Smallest Show On Earth.


I think possibly his most uncomfortably enjoyable film is one he made with that other superb actor the late Richard Todd called 'Never let go' 1960. It is a British masterpiece based on a simple theft of a car, a Ford Anglia (!) and the persistence of Todd in trying to get it back. Sellers is a garage proprietor and has a dark sideline in stolen cars. His nastyness and grittyness is a departure from his usual roles. I recommend this film which is (or was) available on DVD. It to my knowledge has very rarely been shown on TV.


True! A very underrated film, and it proved that Sellers could be a master villain. Mind you, some people believed that portrayal was nearer to himself than any other.


I think Sellers was at his peak in I'm All Right, Jack. Some of the other movies mentioned in this thread are funnier, but in this role he immersed himself so completely I actually forgot he was Peter Sellers. When he was playing Inspector Clouseau you knew you were watching a comedian who was trying to make you laugh, but in this film he's so real it's uncanny. Funny and also moving.


