What a great film!

This is British comedy at its best.

'Nature's hasty and lord knows so am I'

'Heifer whines could be human cries'


It is the best of British comedy, John le Mes,Margaret Rutherford, Terry Thomas and others but has Peter Sellers at the absolute "top of his tree". Clouseau ,Strangelove and Chaunce would bring him greater reward or artistic recognition but the bumptious, rigid ,deluded trade union official , worshipping Stalin but hen pecked at home wil allways be Sellers most rounded and realistic character.


In his auto biography Terry Thomas told of his frustration in Peter Sellers demanding retake after retake of the scene where Thomas visits him at home to try to negotiate a settlement of the strike. Thomas thought the first take was sufficient; but Sellers knew best, he wanted this pivitol scene to be spot on - and boy how he finally managed to pull it off! Strangely enough, after "I'm alright Jack" and "Dr Strangelove" I didn't care much for any of Sellers following films, the Pink Panther series included; perhaps it was that by that time he had become a "superstar" and no longer felt the need and/or wanted the mither of the blood, sweat and tears that went along with creating a 'totality' of the character he was playing.


Interesting story. Seller's performance is indeed great, so very convincing I forgot he was Peter Sellers! (That never happens with those later roles.)


"It is the best of British comedy, Syd James, John le Mes,Margaret Rutherford, Terry Thomas and others..."

Er, no. Syd James was not in this film!



I finally saw it the other night & I totally agree. The entire cast was superb and I was totally taken with Peter Sellers' performance in this.


Sellers should have got the Oscar as best Supporting Actor.Thing is-the film was accurate.People like Stanley did become executives in real life,if not in the film.You might say that the Windrushes,Kites,Major Hitchcocks and Uncle Berties of this world made Britain what she was before Maggie!


God Bless Thatcher


Fantastic satire of all sides involved, which seems to be a rare element to films. Usually in satires they are rather one sided.

"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not".


I think Sellers other great performance is in Being There


Going out in a blaze of glory in his only great performance after Doctor Strangelove
