Favorite MST3K lines

As the title appears on the screen: "The Potsie Story"

Teacher: Have you given any more thought about college?
Servo: You're 28, you should graduate.

Vince: So am I gonna see you tonight?
Betty: No, I have other plans.
Crow: I'm sharpening my breasts

Marv: Betty you go out with Vince...
Crow: Lombardi

Marv reading the paper: "Marv has date. City Stunned."

Dad: What in the world she going out with you for?
Mike: Oh I'm sorry loser...I mean son.
Crow: How's MOM dad?

Mike: Let's see how else can I scar him? Uh son you have a tiny winkie.

Dad: I met a guy today who's sure he could put me on full time.
Mike: Yup..gonna sell my plasma door to door.
Marv: That's swell pop.
Servo: Come into my house...eat my bananas and mock me??

Marv: Betty?
Servo: Can I sniff your bra?

Vince: What with you two?
Betty: What me and Marv?
Servo: Come on, I can't hold this face much longer.

Vince: You went out with him instead of me.
Crow: HE had three dollars.

Vince: Well...why'd you kiss him?
Betty: Kiss him?
Servo: You can't miss his lips. They just ran into me.
Betty: You call that a kiss?
Servo: Um, I think so. Do I have the wrong word again.

Marv: I guess you love her. When's the big date?
Crow: Well, you see son, she lives in the thimble kingdom and she has to defend the mushroom people before we can marry.
Servo: Her name is Thimblina by the way. She milks butterflies and she's charmed. If I touch her, I turn to wood.

Marv listening to his boss' deal: "Oh the big herion shipment is uh COMING down the street.

Marv saying to his teacher: She wrote it. Honestly, Mr. Carter.
Crow: Am I a sweathog now, Mr. Carter?

Marv pulling the empty bottle of booze from dad's hands: You didn't leave any for me you jerk.
Servo: Might as well have Mitchell for a dad.
Mike: Well, Happy Easter anyway.

Marv: I mean it Betty, I'm stealing a million dollars
Crow: I'm stealing it a dollar a time from a million places

Betty: You'd really do that for me?
Mike : Yes. I'm that screwed up.

Vince: Look I'd popped radios, hubcaps; stuff like that but I'm no operator.
Servo: I'm a small time loser.
Betty: So what are you then?
Mike: I am Muscular Dystrophy

Dad eating from a can: Mmmm Kal Kan IS better

Sam: Why can't we leave now? Why do you have to cut it so fine?
Marv: Look I've timed the ride a dozen times. It takes exactly 11 mintues to get from here to the warehouse.
Crow: COME ON!! Who's the High School Junior around here.

Marv: They'll be another Ferry in two minutes. All we can do is wait.
Harry: And Pray.
Mike: Yeah what with wars and famine, God is really interested in your little heist.

Female Landlord knocking:
Mike: I'm wearing my apron and nothing else.
Mrs. Fisher: It's Mrs. Fisher
Servo: I brought my assortment of nuts
Mrs. Fisher screams as we see a silhouette of a body hanging by his neck.
Servo: Oh my God, he's a puppeteer.

Marv hearing police sirens:
Crow: Should I have not called the cops?
Mike: Should I tell them or...

Cops shooting the heroin guy:
Servo: You have the right to remain silent
Cops shoot again:
Servo: Anything you say can and will be used against you.

With all the money in the river:
Mike: Well, no need to launder the money then.


Dad: she's special
Crow: she's got and extra hip


Betty: What's love got to do with it?
Mike: What's love but a second hand emotion?

(When the money is floating on the river)
Mike: Liquid assets!
