The Ending (spoiler)


In the last scene, after the Stooges leave the party, they're sitting in an OPEN CAR, in OUTER SPACE (!), happily singing the song, "Have Rocket, Will Travel". The complete impossibility of this set-up has always been hilarious to me. In a movie full of unbelievable situations, this one tops them all!

Does anyone else have a favorite scene?


I loved the popcorn scene.


My favorite scene was when Moe had Curly Joe write down the morse code and then he ask him to decipher it and CJ goes beep, beep beep.

"just panties, what else do I need?"

Poseidon Adventure


I loved the part when their being chased by the fire breathing tarantula.

Why with T.V. and all I keep in touch with everything.
