Nice shot of a Ford Edsel

Anybody notice that Ford Edsel that Van Doren's character was driving? Beautiful condition, too. The Edsel was a commercial flop back then, but today that car, in that condition, would be worth a lot of money.


Yes I also just caught that on TCM. Early product placement perhaps?

I'm no car enthusiast and there are very few cars from the 50s I could identify, but the horse-collar grill stands out. Seeing this all I could think was what MST3K could have done with it.


Yeah, the Edsel had an unmistakable appearance that has helped it live on much longer after many another car has been lost to the sands of time. "Horse-collar grill" is something I've not heard, but that's an apt descriptor. All I remember is that people used to laugh and snicker about the Edsel back in the day, but... those same people today would not be laughing if they had bought one, and kept it in excellent condition. It would be a valuable collector's item, worth a lot of money.
