MovieChat Forums > Blue Denim (1959) Discussion > Candidate for a 'Fox Studion Classics' r...

Candidate for a 'Fox Studion Classics' release?

If Fox thought "Return to Peyton Place" deserved a "classics" release, this film definitely should be on their list of future candidates. It was one of the first American movies to openly deal with abortion and teenage pregnancy.


Yes...This movie should be re-released. Brandon was great in the film. I really did not like the way it ended. He should not have gone and met the girl on the train. You just know a forced marriage like that one(and so many others) never lasted long. He would have been forced to use drugs just to keep living with some girl that he only really wanted for a sexually good time.......


on target!


ive never seen the whole movie
could anyone please summarize it for me???
(sorry for the crummy spelling)


Anyone know where you can get a hold of the movie? I'm eager to see it!


It was on a few weeks ago on the American Movie Classics channel so its probably in rotation...keep an eye out for it! I just finished reading the play that the movie is based on (my town library has a copy of it) and it is outstanding!


>You just know a forced marriage like that one(and so many others) never lasted long.

Hogwash. My brother had a marriage like that and it's lasted 40 years. My best friend's sister had a marriage like that and it's lated 26 years. My cousin had a marriage like that and it's lasted over 30 years.

When there is true love details tend to smooth themselves out. Don't buy into that old lie that "forced" marriages never work out. Sometimes they force you to look at life more realistically so you are better prepared than some starry eyed kid who thinks the world's his oyster because he stays out of trouble and gets perfect grades.


"Hogwash. My brother had a marriage like that and it's lasted 40 years. My best friend's sister had a marriage like that and it's lated 26 years. My cousin had a marriage like that and it's lasted over 30 years."

As for the release on DVD, I'd like to have a copy.

As for the 'hogwash' comment...

It's like when you mention how a seat belt saved your brother's life in an accident, someone else will say "The police said my aunt would've lived if she HADN'T been wearing her seat belt." There will always be a counter story to yours.

I personally know (my cousin for instance) and many others who didn't stay together / get married after 'forced marriage' or the birth of a child. So, in essence, you're both right. Pregnancy doesn't mean a couple will stay together, but it doesn't mean they won't either.

I feel that Blue Denim itself reflected heavily in the era for which it was made. Some who grew up then will lead you to believe that it was rosy and just like those over produced Thomas Kincade paintings: cheery, nostalgic and innocent. After speaking to my parents (who were born in the 40's) they had all the same problems we do today (maybe not the drive-by shootings) but, kept it hidden and secret better. If Janey got pregnant she 'went to visit her grandmother' for nine months, etc.

In an ideal world, there wouldn't be teen mothers without the help of the dad present. Blue Denim is a bit on the 'Ozzie and Harriet' side with its moralism, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have a good message about consequences.


Huh? He was in love with her and she him. She was only leaving because she thought she cared more for him than he did for her but that wasn't the case. I thought the ending was right on. He was a young man trying to do the right thing. Today's kids could take a lesson from that. Too many young girls are getting pregnant and being supported by either her parents or the state. I thought the moral of the movie was on target. Abortion is wrong no matter how you try to justify it and the right thing is to support the babies you are making.


overseer-3 is right. Forced marriages should be a LAW! Our actions ALWAYS have consequences and responsibility for our actions should not be so easily dismissed. Love (the romantic kind) is not some magical arrow shot from Cupid's bow. It is something that has to be built (just like a house). You LEARN to love someone by being involved in that person's life. If you don't want to be involved in someone's life, then you DEFINITELY shouldn't be sleeping with them.

Abortions only teach us how NOT to care about others. Selfishness, too, is a LEARNED habit. Of course, since a mother's love (a very different kind of love) for her child is INNATE, abortions produce irreparable psychological (and physical, as well) damage to that 'baby-killer' would-be mother. My intent here is not to judge a woman who has had an abortion but to spare those who are planning one. My "baby-killer" statement is not how I feel about that woman but, rather, how she will feel about HERSELF. Rare indeed is the woman NOT traumatized by abortion. Young ladies, if you think that you will be unaffected by having an abortion, think again. For your sake (and for that of your unborn child) consider giving your child up for adoption. You will STILL be racked with guilt but much less so. If you sneer at this, it's only youthful folly...or a hardened heart.

Talk to others...a lot...before making such a life-shattering decision.

jcatlett76-1 is also right.

Oh, and Carol Lynley...who couldn't love her? I remember swooning over her every time I saw her in a movie. Bridget Bardot may have gotten my hormonal fluids flowing but it was Lynley who stole my heart.
