TGB predicted 9/11!

Ever notice the license plate on the car that drives into the first street that the Behemoth marches through? (Note: we see the driver immediately get out and run away, then, a few moments later, in a close-up, he gets out and runs away again.)

Anyway, the plate number is MMF 911. What else could this be but a prophecy, an omen of warning to us all, of the events to come 42 years later? It's all there, for anyone to see.

MMF: Mad Muslim Fanatics.

911: Well, do I have to insert a / between 9 and 11 to make it plain?

Plus we see this car again, a few minutes later, abandoned on another street as the Behemoth approaches. Two warnings!

Clearly, the producers were trying to send us a sign. They wanted us to see the danger ahead, with the Behemoth a metaphor for al Qaeda. But none of us saw!

Well, fine. Don't listen. I'm heading back to the JFK boards to prove that Oliver Stone is covering up the discovery of a ray gun on the grassy knoll because he's in league with the Supreme Council of Metaluna.


I'm surprised that nobody alerted Dubya to this obvious warning, hob.

"The internet is for lonely people. People should live." Charlton Heston


Well, he never bothered to read the NSC reports in August, 2001. I guess he was out in the lobby getting popcorn or blowing straw wrappers at the screen when he saw this movie in his local bijou at age 13. His only recorded remark after watching the film was something to the effect that "Them English people sure talk funny," and gave them the nickname "behemothers".


You may be right! Irwin Allen's disaster pics would have been a good format for such a prediction. However, his disasters were unintentional human error or natural in origin.


As usual, b-g, you've gone right to the nub of the matter. Many conspiracists claim that Irwin Allen forecast the 9/11 attacks because shooting on his greatest film, The Towering Inferno, wrapped on...September 11, 1974! This is true, and a lot of folks believe this to have been a prophecy of the disaster that lay ahead.

Of course, in my view, insisting that the coincidence that a movie about people trapped in a burning skyscraper gave warning of the attacks by al Qaeda, simply because filming on it ended twenty-seven years to the day earlier, is an indication of delusional thinking. It certainly has none of the clarity, logic and substance of the obviously portentous license plate seen in The Giant Behemoth.


You'll excuse me for pointing this out and ruining your fun, but 9/11 was an inside job perpetrated by ultra-right wing elements of the US Government such as the CIA/FBI/the military/and the defense Industry, etc. In other words, as Eisenhower said, THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. And they were aided and abetted by the monstrous financial interests who get rich off of wars (Afghanistan and Iraq). Buildings don't fall down. They never have and they never will. It is only due to the extreme cowardice and ignorance of the American people that this act of murder and treason was never adequately investigated. Those 3000 people, the 200 firefighters, and the many uniformed police killed in that home-grown disaster were simply sacrificed on the alter of this national cowardice. Neither Al Qaida nor Osama bin Laden had anything to do with it. The American murderers and traitors have gotten away with it, as planned. And as P.T. Barnum once said, "Nobody ever lost money underestimating the intelligence of the American people. Now your economy is in tatters and you're at each others' throats. Poor fools. You had everything and now most of it has slipped away, and you're the laughing stock of the world. Sadly funny.


No worries, jingster666, you didn't ruin our fun. Yours is the most amusing post on this thread. I like your IMDb name, too, especially the "666" part. Very suitable.

If you'll excuse me for pointing out a couple of minor aspects of your reply:

Buildings don't fall down. They never have and they never will.

That's a pretty stupid statement. Buildings fall down all the time. The WTC fell down, so your assertion that this doesn't happen is demonstrably false as well as idiotic. I suppose what you mean is that they don't fall down for no reason. That would be true. Now, presumably your reason the WTC buildings collapsed is that the government or whoever had smuggled tons of explosives into them ahead of time and detonated it to make it look like the two airliners that didn't hit the towers were responsible. Or something. In any case, for whatever reason you fancy, the buildings still did come down.

And as P.T. Barnum once said, "Nobody ever lost money underestimating the intelligence of the American people. Now your economy is in tatters and you're at each others' throats. Poor fools. You had everything and now most of it has slipped away, and you're the laughing stock of the world. Sadly funny.

Did P.T. say all that? Wow. I kept waiting for the closed-quotes but as there were none I can only stand in awe of a man predicting this event 150 years ahead of time.

By the way, what's with this "your" business? "Your economy", "You had everything", "you're the laughing stock". Are you not an American? If so, it should be "we" and "our". If not, why are you so worked up about our problems, including our extreme "cowardice" and "ignorance"?

Those 3000 people, the 200 firefighters, and the many uniformed police killed in that home-grown disaster were simply sacrificed on the alter of this national cowardice.

First, I presume you weren't groping for a synonym for "change" (loose or otherwise) or referring to the journalist Jonathan Alter, and instead meant "altar" of this national cowardice, which must be difficult to find amidst all the other altars of something or other we've either sacrificed to or been sacrificed on over the years.

Second, on-duty police normally are uniformed so that observation is rather superfluous.

Lastly, the actual number of lost firefighters was 343, not 200 -- gee, I can't imagine you of all people not getting your facts straight -- and I happen to be a firefighter in suburban New York who was placed on alert that day, though fortunately we only ended up covering for some of the departments that did go to the WTC and in many cases lost men. I knew a few firefighters who were there that day. I also know people who worked in the Trade Center, all of whom, luckily, survived. I know their stories and observations, both on that day and in the weeks leading up to the disaster. I know the reports of firefighters and police who were there. I know the facts. I have a brain. I'm not an ignorant and paranoid boob who insists on making unsubstantiated and factually false claims about things of which he knows nothing. I know what happened. So do most people.

Now, as you're obviously impervious to facts, predisposed to swallow conspiracy theories, have a closed "mind", and possess no proof or knowledge but simply toss off ridiculous and false allegations of no foundation, validity or logical consistency, arguing with you would be pointless since (a) I'm not interested in debating with bores and (b) I'm not a psychiatrist. So if you don't mind, just leave peaceably, don't forget your aluminum hat and go rejoin your fellow "truthers" so you can continue convincing one another how brilliant you are from the security of your basements.

And please leave the poor Giant Behemoth out of this. What did he ever do to you? Actually, don't answer that. Probably something, I'm sure. Makes as much sense as the delusional bilge you wallow in.


I'm not a psychiatrist.
Good, I didn't ask for one. Also, I have never felt it necessary to lay out my credentials, and I won't start now. I'll let the facts speak for themselves.

Now, I am not absolutely convinced that it was a false-flag operation. However, there are several items which are very troublesome, and would certainly merit a fully independent investigation (i.e., not one totally driven by Philip Sell-A-Cow).

-Unmodified 757s/767s can't fly at 450-550 mph nearly at sea level (<1000 ft) without becoming impossible to control.

-Building with steel infrastructures do not pulverize (i.e., turn to powder) from a fire which wasn't hot enough for long enough to cut the steel columns into nicely sized bits.

-Cell phone conversations to and from doomed planes which exceeded the capabilities of then-current cell technology.

-Deliberate lack of crime scene investigation.

And many, many others. There are several excellent and well-documented books written by David Ray Griffin, which I recommend. Failure, on your part, to read these would qualify as willful ignorance.


This is the problem with so-called "truthers", as with those who insist there was a conspiracy to kill JFK, fake the moon landings and so forth. Your alleged "facts" are not facts. They're falsehoods, rumors, misrepresentations and the like, perpetrated -- and perpetuated -- by liars, fools, paranoids and fast-buck artists who prey on the gullible, delusional and unintelligent. Your four points demonstrate this admirably:

--Your statement about the planes is factually inaccurate. They can attain such speeds at sea level. Why couldn't they? That aside, there is film footage of both jet liners crashing into both towers. Clear, unaltered footage, not to mention the testimony of hundreds if not thousands of witnesses. From this footage the speeds of the aircraft can be determined. But let's allow for a moment that your "fact" is correct. So what? The towers and the Pentagon were plainly and obviously hit by airliners. What difference does the speed make? This is a typical example of conspiracists' claims: making unsubstantiated or inaccurate statements that are in any case irrelevant, in order to cloud the actual facts.

--The buildings didn't pulverize from the fire. They pulverized when they collapsed. (If they had "pulverized" from the fire they would have to have evaporated.) I have no idea what you're talking about when you write of the steel being cut into "nicely sized bits", but (a) that is not accurate; (b) fire doesn't "cut" anything into pieces, it burns; (c) the fire was hot enough for long enough to do what it actually did, which is melt the steel supports in the building, which caused them to soften, bend and finally give way. And that happened because the spray-on fireproofing on the beams was blown off due to the impacts of the planes.

--Your cell phone allegation is false, as even some conspiracists now concede. Even the trio of losers who produced the addle-brained "documentary" Loose Change, charging 9/11 was a government plot, removed that allegation when they actually investigated technology and found that cell phones could indeed make such calls in 2001.

--Lack of crime scene investigation? Are you serious? The entire site was sealed off as a crime scene for months. I was there; I saw it. The site was investigated by many agencies, federal, state and local. That is an absurd, even idiotic, lie.

I know of, though have never read, Griffin and his claims. The fact that you seem to rely solely or primarily on one person's false and delusional writings is proof of your closed mind and, in your own words, qualifies as willful ignorance.

Though you say you're "not absolutely convinced that it was a false-flag operation", there is nothing to indicate you're in fact open to anything other than some version of the lunatic fringe claims that 9/11 was an "inside job". The so-called "credentials", whatever that means, that you so pompously state you've never felt necessary to lay out, are unimportant and, I imagine, not trustworthy.

Conspiracists like yourself cannot posit a single, coherent, logical and above all fact-based narrative that establishes responsibility, proves unequivocally what happened and is based on unassailable, demonstrated facts. Instead, you rely on lies, falsehoods, distortions, half-truths and innuendo. You use phony facts, fake questions and false information to argue individual points that are not only untrue in themselves, but which have little logic, make no sense, don't mesh with other portions of your "theory", and most notably contradict one another as well as your overall conspiracy claims. This explains why there are so many variations of 9/11 conspiracies. In the absence of actual facts, every conspiracist comes up with his own version of events, with different sets of "facts", different claims, different villains and so on. Of course, some of the same actors pop up in all these different theories, but no two are quite alike. If you actually bothered to take all the conspiracy claims and try honestly to make a logical, let alone sane, narrative out of them, you'd fail. For example:

Cell phones. As I said, even many conspiracy people have long since abandoned this canard as a disproven falsehood, though you still cling to it. But the inaccuracy of your claim aside, to believe it means that this mythical, omnipotent conspiracy had to have the complete lists of passengers weeks or months in advance, locate them, find out what they sounded like, know which families' members would be home on Sept. 11, and make sure the passengers whose voices they'd fake actually flew on the planes, all in order to have time to find actors so perfectly able to mimic the voices of dozens of those passengers that they could fool their wives and husbands. This is insane, but if you believe the cell phone nonsense you have perforce to believe in these necessary steps to make the conspiracy work.

Planes. Regardless of their speeds, and your falsehood about the jets' being "impossible to control" near sea level at 450-550 MPH, the jets did in fact hit the twin towers and the Pentagon. This makes your fake issue irrelevant in any case. Therefore, this can only be a precursor to -- what? The claim of many 9/11 liars that there were no planes at all? That this was special effects? That the planes were much smaller twin-engine jobs? That the four missing airliners didn't exist? That no plane crashed in Pennsylvania, the conspirators just dug a big hole in the ground to fake it? Or that the planes were real but were secretly flown to some location where all the passengers were interned and have been imprisoned for the past 13 years? The psychotic allegations of "truthers" include these and other contradictory, illogical, delusional or simply impossible claims about this crucial aspect.

The collapse. Despite incontestable proof of how and why the WTC and part of the Pentagon collapsed, the lunatics continue to argue that the collapse was due to tons of explosives secretly brought into the buildings over the weeks beforehand. How could this possibly have been managed without being discovered? Have you any idea of the physical bulk that the explosives necessary for such a task would take up?

And it goes on and on. Now of course, people like you are impervious to the real truth, let alone to facts and logic, and instead cocoon yourselves in the literature [sic] of conspiracy theorists. This can only indicate either a delusional personal state or simply not being very smart, or both. You ignore not only truth but common sense in pursuit of preconceived notions based on ignorance, lies and misinformation, as your four points above so clearly demonstrate. This also explains why you haven't tumbled to another obvious fact: that the reason people like Griffin write "books", plural, is that they make their money spinning this crap out, year after year and book after book, for fools like you to buy and reinforce your preconceived and impervious delusions.

Most significantly, if you and other conspiracists had proof you wouldn't have charlatans like your pal Griffin and the rest writing multiple books with different theories, different "information" and different claims. You would have all found, exposed and proven, unarguably and with precision and definitiveness, the exact same persons, groups or organizations who you claim committed this deed, shown precisely how it was carried out, proven how the collapses came about and all the rest. And you wouldn't be basing your claims on fake questions, false science, misinformation and out-and-out lies. Again, if as these people claim 9/11 was a government-backed conspiracy, they should all have come up with the same facts, same guilty parties, same conclusions, and backed it with evidence that would stand up in a court of law.

The attacks of September 11, 2001, happened only one way. The fact that conspiracists themselves pose thousands of different, contradictory and illogical theories and cannot offer a shred of honest evidence or factual proof for any of them is in itself proof of the groundlessness of conspiracy theories, the greed and dishonesty of conspiracy theorists who profit from their books and DVDs, and the desperate need of some pathetic people to insist on illusions rather than accept reality.


Thank God for people like hobnob in this world. I've just deleted loads of my posts on the JFK boards because I can't take any more of the daily insanity from the freaks and loons. As soon as 9/ll happened I said to my wife that the conspiracy weidos have now got something new to invent total tosh about. Well done hob for replying to that goon with facts and intelligence - and not with fabrications and stupidity.

The internet is for lonely people. People should live. Charlton Heston


You made all sorts of assumptions and accusations about what I was saying, most of which are insanely incorrect. You clearly have an agenda in promoting your particular brand of conspiracy theory (check a dictionary for the definition of "conspiracy" before you blow another gasket in responding). You accuse me of having pre-conceived notions, yet you are replete with them. So many, in fact, that I'd be wasting my time trying to respond to all of them.

However, I'll take one small example - my comment about UNMODIFIED 757/767s being uncontrollable at high speeds and low altitudes. This was merely a statement of something which didn't make sense, not as you hysterically asserted that I claimed this as proof of conspiracy. I posted no such thing. Did I claim that we all DID NOT witness those planes going that fast that low on 9/11? No, I didn't, you perpetrator of fraud. But by omitting my use of UNMODIFIED, you made it seem like I was claiming that we didn't witness the event. An incredibly disingenuous form of argument to which you and your brethren are susceptible, and therefore of which you and yours make constant use.

Regardless, are you a pilot? Unlikely, since a pilot would not have distorted what I was actually stating, and instead would have focused on the engineering reality of aerodynamics.

Unlike you and your mainstream rubber-stamped pseudo-explanation cohorts, I don't have an agenda in promoting a false-flag operation. Just try to show some intellectual integrity by not first misrepresenting my viewpoint and then arguing against it, especially when it is abundantly obvious that I did not state the vast majority of that which you accused me.

Feel free to go back and read what I actually posted, and I'll go on sincerely hoping that the "truthers" weren't actually right - such people have been correct in the past (Gulf of Tonkin, incubator babies in Kuwait, various attempts to provoke Castro, etc.)


Let's see the "expert" above refute the following professionals:

"We do not offer theory or point blame..."

- Pilots For Truth was Founded in August 2006. We only cover facts based on data as our mission statement explains on the home page.

- We currently have numerous pilots/aviation professionals -- and growing -- at Pilots For Truth. Current combined experience is over 200,000 Hours flight time with ATP, Commercial, Primary and Advanced Flight Instructors etc.

- Airlines represented include Continental, American, TWA, Independence Air, ATA, jetBlue, United, several corporate, charter and fractional carriers.

- Our membership covers every branch of the military.

- We have experts from Boeing and licensed Aircraft Maintenance Technicians (AMT's).

- We have several members who help behind the scenes as they will lose their jobs (and access to information) should they go public. These types of members include airline workers and current active duty military.

-Scholars for Truth and Veterans For Truth are part of the same team. Aviation professionals from each organization are considered part of each other. Which include aero engineers, simulator experts.. FAA Inspectors.. etc. Contacts are ongoing to organize as we are getting emails daily from those wishing to join. A list of members is now available and is constantly updated.

- Pilot experience includes type ratings in MD-88, CRJ, 737, 757, 767, 747, DC-10, J-41, several corporate types and Military drivers.

- The Flight Data Recorder Research Team consists of Professionals/Experts in Computers for decoding files, Pilots, Flight Data Recorder Experts and Accident Investigators to interpret the data, along with experts from Boeing.

- The NTSB and FBI has refused to comment regarding the growing mountain of conflicting information uncovered by Pilots For Truth.

- Any aviation professional interested in joining our research team, please contact [email protected] (please remove the words NOSPAM when emailing).

We welcome all aviation professionals. Pilots, Mechanics, ATC, FA's, Rampers, Gate Agents, Customer Service, etc. Thank you for taking the time to inform yourself.


9/11: Speeds Reported For World Trade Center Attack Aircraft Analyzed

( - Much controversy has surrounded the speeds reported for the World Trade Center attack aircraft. However, none of the arguments for either side of the debate have been properly based on actual data, until now. Pilots For 9/11 Truth have recently analyzed data provided by the National Transportation Safety Board in terms of a "Radar Data Impact Speed Study" in which the NTSB concludes 510 knots and 430 knots for United 175 (South Tower) and American 11 (North Tower), respectively. A benchmark has been set by the October 1999 crash of Egypt Air 990, a 767 which exceeded it's maximum operating limits causing in-flight structural failure, of which data is available to compare to the WTC Attack Aircraft.

Egypt Air 990 (EA990) is a 767 which was reported to have entered a dive and accelerated to a peak speed of .99 Mach at 22,000 feet. Boeing sets maximum operating speeds for the 767 as 360 Knots and .86 Mach. The reason for two airspeed limitations is due to air density at lower vs. higher altitudes. To understand equivalent dynamic pressures on an airframe of low vs. high altitude, there is an airspeed appropriately titled "Equivalent Airspeed" or EAS[1]. EAS is defined as the airspeed at sea level which produces the same dynamic pressure acting on the airframe as the true airspeed at high altitudes.[2]

Pilots For 9/11 Truth have calculated the Equivalent Airspeed for EA990 peak speed of .99 Mach at 22,000 feet as the equivalent dynamic effects of 425 knots at or near sea level. This airspeed is 65 knots over max operating for a 767, 85 knots less than the alleged United 175, and 5 knots less than the alleged American 11. Although it may be probable for the alleged American 11 to achieve such speed as 430 knots is only 5 knots over that of EA990 peak speed, It is impossible for the alleged United 175 to achieve the speeds reported by the NTSB using EA990 as a benchmark.

Pilots For 9/11 Truth have further studied if a 767 could continue controlled flight at such reported speeds. According to the NTSB, EA990 wreckage was found in two distinct debris fields, indicating in-flight structural failure which has been determined to have occurred a few seconds after recording peak speed. Based on EA990, it is impossible for the alleged United 175 to have continued controlled flight at more than 85 knots over the speed which failed the structure of EA990.

Full detailed analysis, including analysis of a recent simulator experiment performed, and interviews with United and American Airlines 757/767 Pilots can be viewed in the new presentation, "9/11: World Trade Center Attack" available only at Although other factors come into play within the transonic ranges, Dynamic pressure is dynamic pressure. Math doesn't lie. Boeing needs to release wind tunnel data for the Boeing 767. Despite the fact that the data can be fabricated, such a release of data may alert more pilots and engineers to the extremely excessive speeds reported near sea level for the Boeing 767 in which they can decide for themselves. Update: Since our article on WTC Aircraft Speed Analysis was written, more evidence has been gathered to reflect the research provided by Pilots For 9/11 Truth and in the film "9/11: World Trade Center Attack". A more thorough understanding and explanation of why V speeds are established based on wind tunnel tests performed by the manufacturer is also available virtually making the need to gather documents from Boeing based on wind tunnel testing, moot. We already have their results of such tests in the form of the V Speeds they have established through wind tunnel testing required by definition as outlined in the Illustrated Guide To Aerodynamics and all other related text.


First, I made no false assumptions or accusations about what you said. Everything I responded to was written in your first post.

Second, you claim "credentials" but in four posts have so far declined to state what these are. Not that this will convert your falsehoods into facts, but you seem to infer some level of authority which is not evident in anything you write.

Lastly, I made no specific mention of UNMODIFIED (as you seem so pathetically to insist on emphasizing above) 757s or 767s one way or another. I did not address this supposed aspect at all. The reason? Because, as I made abundantly clear (except, obviously, to you), IT DOESN'T MATTER (to take a leaf from your method of posting).

What difference does it make whether your allegation about the inability of such aircraft to make controlled flights at low altitudes is accurate or not? The fact is the planes did crash into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Even assuming your "fact" is correct, the planes hit their targets. This renders your so-called "fact" irrelevant. Even if you're correct, it makes no difference. "Controlled" or not, all that matters is that they achieved their objective.

Obviously this seems a difficult concept for you to understand, which explains why you go into such a snit about my not addressing this aspect, and ignore the substance of what I said by attacking its form. You busy yourself making allegations which may or may not have any merit but which are in their entirety immaterial. It's just another example of what 9/11 truthers, JFK assassination conspiracists, and other always resort to: throwing in irrelevant issues to cloud the truth, seeming to make a critical point which is in fact utterly irrelevant, not to mention usually untrue.

And I raised the other issues in my initial reply because to buy into the falsehoods you allege you have to buy the whole package of conspiracy inanities and insanities. You can't make claims like yours and not take responsibility for their attendant illogic.

Very resourceful, in an obvious and unimaginative way, of you to decline to answer any of my other counterpoints to your original fake claims on the specious grounds that "I'd be wasting my time trying to respond to all of them." Good way to avoid any more painful realities.

I also read you subsequent posts endlessly citing "Pilots for Truth". This is a thoroughly discredited organization of fringe elements. The fact that they may be pilots doesn't mean they're immune to delusional ideas and mistaken "facts". Obviously you swallow everything they say whole on the grounds that they're "experts". You evidently don't question anything they say or bother to learn what agenda they have. It would be too inconvenient to look behind the curtain.

And no, your ridiculous aside notwithstanding, I am not and do not claim to be an "expert" of any kind...although you evidently claim to be one (your mysterious "credentials" and so on). What I am is a realist, someone who reads, and someone who has a reasonable degree of logic. I don't take anything at face value, but unlike you neither am I clouded by preconceived notions, unquestioning gullibility, a reliance on suspect "experts" or a desire to ignore anything I can't explain.


It's so great on this day in particular Hob, to be able to reply to a post of yours that represents a 100% endorsement! Well done.

Flight #93 had a college classmate of mine, Todd Beamer and the only married couple on that flight, Donald and Jean Peterson, my parents knew well from a church they both attended years earlier. In addition to those personal connections, my cousin worked ten floors below the impact point of Tower #1 and is alive only because Mohammed Atta didn't tilt the plane a few degrees lower.

The cottage industry of nitpickers for 9/11 and the JFK assassination that like to obsess on idiotic and irrelevant minutiae to justify a shallow notion of "reasonable doubt" and create a "mystery" when one isn't there is the biggest group of frauds I've ever seen corrupting the historical methodology process.

I have watched the TV coverage of that day many times over the years and I have always been convinced that the reason why so many people were reporting "small, commuter plane" when they first phoned in their descriptions is because most people don't grasp how 767s are much smaller than the traditional concept of a big sized commercial plane. I think there is still in the mindset of many (or at least was then) to think that if they see only two engines, they think its a "small" plane and are expecting to see four engines like a 747 to see their perceptions of what a commercial plane should look like.


Thank you, Eric (and congratulations on your victories -- see you in two!).

Aside from the baseless delusions and meaningless fixations of truthers and their fellow travelers, what they also find too inconvenient to acknowledge is that the real conspirators admitted their guilt. Al-Qaeda claimed credit for the attacks. All independent evidence corroborated their claim. The "20th hijacker" admitted it all. The evidence is stacked as high as both twin towers one atop the other. Actual evidence for any conspiracy theory is as flat as the ground they collapsed upon.

And of course, these people run into the same problem we see with JFK conspiracy fanatics: in the absence of facts they sprout a multitude of unfounded theories. But if there were a conspiracy, there was just one, not a hundred. The true believers would have long since proven one coherent plot and substantiated it with ascertainable and verifiable facts, not falsehoods and fake questions.

Our friend didn't and of course couldn't refute facts about cell phones and buildings evaporating in fires and the rest and so fell back on an irrelevancy so staggeringly vapid and meaningless as to be breathtaking. And of course seeing each of these in isolation he's blind to the larger inconsistencies and lack of logic inherent in all such claims, the fact that accepting some inane ideas of necessity requires accepting others. It might even be laughable were the realities of that day not so devastating.

I know three persons who worked at the WTC and fortunately all escaped that day, two through sheer luck. (One was among the tiny handful of survivors who happened not to be in his office on the 94th floor of Tower 2.) Neither they, nor anyone they know who was a victim of that day, believes in any of these fake conspiracy theories. In fact, like virtually all victims and their relatives, they resent them. It's just one of many sad comments on humanity that so many people have such a pathetic need to believe in fantasies and go to ludicrous lengths to hoodwink the public...and themselves.


Are you on mind bending drugs jingster666? Why on earth would you dare write such ridiculous tripe on a public forum? Would you write such nonsense if you had to sign your own name and address to it?
"The internet is for lonely people. People should live." Charlton Heston
