Best scene

The funniest scene in the movie is where Bob Mitchum's son attempts to rape Mamie Van Doren - only it turns out that she's the one who's on the make! Then her jealous ex-husband shows up!

"Don't call me 'honey', mac."
"Don't call me 'mac'... HONEY!"


Yeah, that one was good. Mamie was devouring the poor dude with her eyes.

I thought this was funniest:
Scene at end in the beatnik bar when the cop is trying to get the rapist and one of the beatniks grabs him and stops him.

Cop says, "Let go of me--I'm a police officer!"

And the beatnik girl shoots him with seltzer water and says, "I'm a fireman!"

Beatnik to cop: "Let's have a wrestling hootenanny."



"I'm a fireman!" just cracked me up and her delivery was great.

Mamie's ex-husband in the movie was her (recently) divorced real husband. I liked all the little in-jokes and behind the scenes stuff of this movie.


Cochran and Fay Spain lived on Danton (!) Street.
Hilarious how the Beatniks NEVER responded to Satchmo and his band. No finger-snapping and no applause.
And what was a cabaret-like chanteuse like Cathy Crosby doing performing in a coffeehouse?
Great credit: "Dialogue coach: Jackie Coogan."
Sid Melton and Jackie Coogan in drag. Nuff said!

"May I bone your kipper, Mademoiselle?"


Yes, that Coogan as dialect coach was funny. I figured he must have done that to get a little more money. Also, he really seemed to enjoy lovers lane with Steve Cochran, "hold me tighter".

"When the legend becomes fact, print the legend!"
