Steve Reeves Rules!!!

As a fan of both classic movies and classic bodybuilding (steroids are bad) I love the movies of Steve Reeves. Sure the quality varies, but most of the copies available in the US are public domain versions of 40 year old 16mm prints. But he really was an okay physical actor, and in the only two of his movies to feature his voice (Athena and Jailbait) he has a real deep, manly voice. The kind you would expect of a fifties leading man, sort of like a deeper Charlton Heston. They are enjoyable films doen mostly on an epic scale. Soem corners had to be cut, but then the Death Star from the original Star Wars is supposedly a series of cannibalized Battleship models. So go to a video store, head for the bargain shelf, get the first Steve Reeves movie you see, pay for it, take it home, pop it in the VCR/DVD player, get some refreshments and watch a good actor/athlete do what he does best, entertain you.

God Bless!


I don't mean o be pushy, but I really wish some people would respond to this, I think we could get a dialogue going. Maybe I could persuade you to look more highly on Steve Reeves.

Well I am waiting to hear your oppinions.
God Bless!


Well,I just came across your comments,and would be more than happy to start a dialog with you.
Two of my favorite films with him are :Goliath and the Barbarians;and Morgan the Pirate.
Both feature the impressive Chelo Alonso;her acting isn't bad,either.She's the heroine in "Barbarians."And she does a lot of dancing in "Morgan."
My favorite part in "Morgan" is where Steve prepares to deal with Armand Mestral,playing L'Ollonais.Both star to strip to the waist;Mestral,a rather portly villain,stops when he sees Morgan's masculine's a great laugh.
By the way,there really was a L'Ollonais,and she was a true fiend.When they have the definition of psychopath in the dictionary,his picture should be there.He was eventually captured by the Indians of Darian,and eatten .I hope they all got heartburn as a result.


I used to live down the road from his horse ranch in Bonsall, CA. Wild parties, chariot races and the smell of manure horse and human are not easily forgotten.

If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there.
