25 cents????

Walmart has this movie, along with many other classics, for a quarter each. that's 25 cents people! you can't beat that price. I can't believe it.

"Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away. " ~Elvis Presley


I was ripped off. I paid $1 for a double feature of it with House on Haunted Hill!

J/k. It was a good deal.

In the tiki, tiki, tiki, tiki, tiki room!


"I was ripped off. I paid $1 for a double feature of it with House on Haunted Hill!"

Same it was totally worth it though.


I paid a complete $1.95 for this DVD, without a second feature. Still, it was money well spent!


that's funny, same thing happened to me, i got this for a very cheap price in the country i come from, they hadn't put any work into the dvd. notice the house in the opening looks like a dollhouse. i had a difficult time viewing the leading lady as the light part she has here after being so used seeing her as the nightmarish villain in the bogart movie "dark passage", unusual for a movie like this breaking the fourth wall i thought.

made me lose focus as the important meeting i'm at,
by your playfulness from the corner behind back,
thought i had shaked you off,
suddenly you were gone in the dark,
got your pots working or whatever mysterious things it is you do,
my mind ended up like a string from your hand playing me like a fool,
and the dark you lured me into.
