the death scene (spoiler)

One of the enduring images from my childhood was watching the dude get absorbed by the big ameoba thingy. That was an image that was in my nightmares for years. Brilliant imagery!

I believe this flick came after "The Blob" so maybe that was an influence.


Yeah,losing Sammy was tough 'cause you liked him & Cleo his space gun(!).

...and it was indeed a haunting image-still,after all these years....


Agreed. The scene with Sam being absorbed by the ameoba was quite creepy and memorable.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


Yeah, it was so scary and creepy, I don't know if I want to see the movie again. But then again, the science fiction movies of the 50s and 60s to me were more better in scaring people than today's movies despite the fact film technology was not advance compare today.
