A strangely effective movie

Despite the low budget, cheesy special effects, and some wooden acting I find this movie entertaining. Maybe it's the eerie music, the imaginative plot,or something else.....this film delivers the goods.


I agree, I saw it as a kid at a saturday matinee, It's always been one of my favorite guilty pleasures


yeah it sucks but theres still something about it

I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn


I LOVED this movie as a child! The giant amoeba looked kind of like a big fried egg to me back then! I didn't want to eat them for quite some time. *LOL*


A time capsule with its "I'm a guy and you're a dame" dialogue. Could NOT make such a film today. A real hoot!



Iconcur. This film is very entertaining and has a real sincerity to it that's impossible to dislike.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


Movie gets good once they reach Mars, but the earthbound parts are also okay.


I agree. despite 50s cheesiness, the scenes with red filters are beautiful and otherworldly.
