James Komack

I noticed that James Komack is listed as unknown number of Hennesy episodes. His character appeared regularly in the series as a Naval Dentist. Hennesy would go to see him when he had some situation to work out and Komack would give him advice. As I remember Komack's character was kind of offbeat. He provided comedy relief. He later produced "Chico and the Man". I noticed also that Mickey Rooney's name was missing from the list of actor's that appeared on the show. He played a drunk saxaphone playing sailor in one episode when Hennesy was the Officer Of The Day and Hennesy had to have the Shore Patrol lock him up. A very funny episode. I'm surprised that this series has been called a drama when I remember it as a comedy. They had some very funny episodes.


He also acted in "Courtship of Eddie's Father."


My favourite episode of Hennesey (and I'm astonished at the number of people who remember the show) was when Harvey practiced VooDoo on Hennesey.
No namby-pamby explanation. It just worked because it was Harvey.
That episode had great music too.


"Harvey" was very cool. I remember that when Hennessy & Abby Dalton's character decided to go steady, he gave her half of a piece of bubble gum, & when she'd break up with him, she'd give it back. All I've been able to find on YouTube was a brief mention of CBS' upcoming lineup for '61, but at least there's some "People's Choice"...Cleo was the star
