Is this the movie I remember?

Many years ago, I saw a snippet of a movie on TV and someone suggested that this might be the one.

In the movie I saw, one of the characters proposes doing away with another character by tying him to a certain kind of tree. I thought it had to do with ants dropping down on whoever touches the tree and biting them to death, but the person who suggested it says he thinks that the tree was just poison.

In any case, the one part I clearly remember is that when they mention tying him to the tree, the guy refers to himself in the third person and begs "Hang Billy, shoot Billy, but please don't [whatever] Billy!" There was some special name for the trees, which the character used in his begging.

Is this the movie?

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This is indeed the movie. Cottonmouth (Burl Ives) is upset with the Seminole Indian (Billy One Arm) for not losing Bird Boy (Christopher Plummer) in the Everglades. He finds him guilty of disobeying his orders and sentences him to be tied to a manchineel tree. The tree produces a sap that destroys the mucous membrane in a person and they die a horrible death.


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