Am I the only one......

...who thinks that this is actually kind of a sad movie?


It is kind of sad, poor Glen.


Yeah--the ending IS sad. Having it filmed in color actually gives it an extra added push.


I completely agree that it's sad! My mother and I love old, B "monster" movies and usually tape them, but this one was different and we didnt want to keep it. We prefer it when the 'Monster' is actually a mean, creature so you don't feel sad when it's killed (is that sad or what?). :)


Yes it is sad. But I have a question at the end when he disappears, were they setting up the possibility of another sequal?

The early bird might get the worm,
But the 2nd mouse gets the cheese!


What were we to do to the former colonel? We would have made a freak show out of him. Sad that man lerned how to split the atom in the first place, IMHO.


TOTALLY! Forget the ending. I remember being really disturbed as a kid by the scene in the hangar. They're trying to jog his memory but he just gets more and more upset to the point where all he can do is scream. Dang, that's heavy.


Totally agree with you on the hanger scene. I just kept thinking, "Please, remember something". So sad.


I just happened across your post here and have to agree that both of his movies end in sadness. Duncan is my father and as a small child I remember watching the movie at home and crying my eyes out to my mom that my daddy was not coming home! LOL
My dad never did do more with the movie industry other then be a stagehand after that. He got the part for these movies from my grandfather who was the first cameraman with MGM. Pays to know people even back then I guess. My grandfather filmed all the original Tarzan movies. Alot more impressive to say the least and alot better memories!
Jeannine Parkin
[email protected]


You can tell your Dad that he scared the stuffing out of me and my friends during the afternoon movie. I remember lying in bed at night and thinking that he was looking in my window with his one good eye. I was scared stiff! But, it taught me to handle fear. So, I guess it was a good thing. My best to your Dad.


Wow, what a coincidence; just 5 minutes or so ago, I posted over on the board for THE CYCLOPS (also starring Duncan Parker as a one-orbed giant) that when I was a kid, I used to lie awake at night staring at my second-storey window, convinced that either the disfigured Col Manning or the Cyclops guy would suddenly move into view, silhouetted against the night sky. I lost a LOT of sleep due to your dad! <:/ lol


Neat stories, Ms Parkin! We always wonder how someone got into this or that. For the longest time in the gym, I always wondered when I might look good enough to be on camera like your dad! I got pretty strong, but just not QUITE enough to lift a bus. LOL


The ending of this film is quite sad and tragic.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!



Interesting handle. Of course, Obama the dog eater knows that roofing your pup spoils the taste.


No, you are not. The ending was very good.
