Unexpectedly Steamy

As goofy as this movie is, I was surprised on viewing it again (the last time was when I was uh 16 -- lessee, that was 1966) by how amped the chemistry is between Joyce Holden (Claire) and Ward Costello (Dr. Hedges).

When the doctor comes in from running down peeping tom Angelo and is gallantly closing the blinds for Claire, the interaction between he and she is pretty darn sexy, all things considered.

Joyce Holden is quite sexy for one of those bland b-list stralets.

Does anyone agree with me?


Well, that love scene made me realize that *Ward Costello* was quite cute... can't say that Joyce Holden did much for me, although she was certainly likeable.


I can appreciate your POV, Ivy.

Even though I grew up in the 50s and so must have some sort of perspective, moreso than say a Gen Xer, when it comes to social mores and what passed for sexy in those days, I must admit that I was expecting something considerably lamer than what is on display in this scene.

I get the sense of some serious blood flowing in the scene, even if it involves two rather mature characters (Ward Costello in particular).

Here's to the unexpected in grade Z cinema!


Sometimes less is more, in the movies. I had a teacher once who said Lauren Bacall was sexier wearing clothes, than a lot of the current actresses/singers who prance around wearing little or nothing. Also, according to IMDb, Ward Costello was what, thirty-nine or so in this? Hardly long in the tooth. :-)


I heartily agree there.

No, by today's standards, 39 is hardly ancient, but it certainly is mature, especially in the 50s when people really did look their ages.



Of course they looked their age it wasn't a crime back then to look your age. Unlike the frankenstein monsters walking around in Hollywood today with there 3 facelifts and botox injected frozen expressions and collegen induced duck lips.


Same here.
