Jayne was GORGEOUS in this movie!

I just finished watching 'Promises! Promises!' with Jayne Mansfield, which was in B&W. She looks so much better in color. The color of her platinum blonde hair, her fair skin and very red lips are a wonderful combination. I've never particularly been a great fan of mansfield, but in this movie she has a way of making you come around to being a dedicated devotee.

Her southern accent is convincing, her lipsynching is not. But her beauty is captivating.

It's always sad when we lose somebody, especially as tragically as she was lost to us. But it would be bad for her fans to see her today - better to know her only as the beautiful young woman she was.

I saw some photos of some old actresses on IMDb yesterday with horrid plastic surgery - like you see in lists titled 'Plastic surgery that went horribly wrong' and they probably don't even know how bad they look. Thank goodness we fans didn't have to see that with Jayne.

Anyhow, back to the main point, if you want to see a movie where she looks her very best, I think this one is it. In 'Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?', she squealed very annoyingly far too much. In 'The Girl Can't Help It', she looked great, but I still think she looked much better here. Maybe it has something to do with her being pregnant at the time and having that 'glow'.


She certainly had plenty of front!

Its that man again!!


She look great in the movie
