Titanic Exhibition

Just an fyi for Titanic buffs. The Discovery Channel is putting on at this time (until October 09) a Titanic exhibition in NYC. Artifacts and relics appear with descriptions of each. Upon entering you're given a card of an individual who booked passage on the Titanic. The card has bio details. It's only at the end when you're ready to leave when you discover whether the individual you have on the card you've been given survives the voyage. And there's also an exhibit which gives an idea of what temperatures passengers experienced when the Titanic sank. A compelling exhibition for aficionados of the Titanic.


Interesting. There was an exhibition which travelled the world some years ago - I saw it in Hamburg - and was very good, but didn't have a demonstration of how cold it was.

Many years ago, as a boy, I had to swim 33 yards in an unheated open air pool around Christmas time. Your lungs do not work at all - won't take air in or out.


i saw it in chicago. it was an extremely creepy and involved experience. i distictly remember looking at a suitcase with clothes and a feeling of blatant anger filled me as i began to sort of take on the feeling of someone whose "underwear" is on display while people are gawking at it. my passenger survived and was in third class. i did not like the exhibit. i came out of there ashamed that i was viewing personal items and souls of people that did not feel like being "shown" or "on exhibition" and that their personal effect were much too private for people to see.


They still have onein vegas. The reconstructions of some parts of the ship were amazing, but the part that I liked was the "big piece". I've been back 3 times. None of my people made it out. Damn my masculinity.

Michael Jackson:
Teaching Jesus to Moonwalk as of June 2009
