Snarf Farms

ok, what the hell is a snarf farm? i swear one of the characters says this and i have no clue what else he could have said. mike and the bots even point it out. any ideas?



The line is probably "Snark firings".



Is there nowhere else for lifeless douchenozzles obsessed w/picking on mst3k to post sophomoric comments? By the way, there's no such verb as "to fetish," idiot.



"to fetish" does make a good verb, though. And, yes, there are thousands of other places where people can fetish MST3k – just Gargle it – but why waste one as good as IMDb. MST3K deserves an award from the Bad Movie Makers of America (and its Foreign Affiliates). It has retrieved hundreds of terrible films from oblivion and boosted appreciation everywhere for bad film making. Heavens! Thanks to MST3K, half a century after the release of Blood Beast, Georgianna Carter has a blossoming fan club. I wonder if she's changed much.
BTW, GC fetishists, Wild Ride is also available on DVD. I haven't seen it. However, I did check it on IMDb –it seems that IMDb even has information on films not feature on MST3K; who'd have thought it? Sadly, judging from the IMDb plot description, Wild Ride doesn't involve any snarf farming.


Its purely about dick flicking and ass implosions. I know, I had an affair with one.

If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there.

