
As the three drive into LA for the 1st time, the music is reminiscent of the Beverly Hillbilies (esp. whenever Elly Mae was "all dressed up" like a beauty queen). Well, DUH!, of course -- because Perry Botkin also composed the music for it five years later.


Perry Botkin's soundtrack to this movie is so weird. it's totally out of the place but extremely fun because of that. whoever hears it without seeing the movie, would probably NEVER connect it with a 1950's film-noir.


Yes it seemed out of place. Sounded like a Greek wrote it using a guitar rather than bouzouki. But that contributed to the campy feel of this movie. Another poster suggested it was a preview of Pulp Fiction and I wouldn't doubt that Tarantino had seen it.


It's not "reminiscent"--it's exactly the same music cue! Fell outta my chair when I heard that sitcom riff being used as set-up for a contract murder! Totally inappropriate music--but cool!!!


Yes, that one slightly whimsical riff when Claude first arrived in L.A. immediately triggered a memory of The Beverly Hillbillies, Botkin recycled it for TBH.


I'm so glad that i've never seen The Beverly Hillbillies because the score to me was amazing, flawless and so unique in this. Very daring and it set the mood and tone of the film from the very first scene. Too bad it was reused for a sit-com later.
