
I have always been a Natalie Wood fan, and I enjoy all of her films, however implausible the plot. But I think Gene Kelly and Jesse White were woefully miscast in this movie about young adults. Natalie Wood was 20, and Carolyn Jones was 28 compared with Gene Kelly's age at the time 45, and Jessie White 41. It just seemed absurd to me that these young women would be involved with men obviously old enough to be their fathers. Paul Newman in the "Noel" role would have been much more believable.


Newman would have been another kind of casting mistake. His innate machismo, at which he was best in his youth, precluded a better depiction of the sweet vulnerability of Airman. Maybe a better choice than either Kelly or Newman will be possible if there's ever a remake.

"Believe not what you only wish to believe, but that which truth demands."


Newman would have been great but he's not the musical talent Kelly is and I thought Gene was very good in the role no matter how much older he was.
I'm also not sure how old Noel was in the book? But I found Kelly/Wood quite believable.


Noel was 29 in the book.

suzycreamcheese RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008


I saw this movie a long time ago. I thought that Gene Kelly was perfect. So dreamy and attractive. I thought the whole cast was good. But now I have just started to read the book and found out that Marsha Zelenko (Carolyn Jones) is supposed to be fat, unattractive and dirty-looking. Carolyn Jones is thin and pretty.
