Jack Lord

Talk about an actor playing against his image: the cool but stiff Jack Lord as a mad dog villain James Remar might have been proud of. Good job by Lord, and reminds you that some of these actors have more ability than we know.


Just watched this tonight.He was awsome.He was so talented.I have a quick question for you.After the strip scene,what happen to Coaly Jacks character.


Coaly got shot dead


I had the same question so I went back and rewatched the shooting scene right after the fight between Coaley(Lord) and Link(Cooper).

There were two shots fired in quick succession. The first shot is from Coaley, who tries to shoot Link but instead shoots Sam Beasley (O'Connell) who had jumped in front of Link. The second shot is from Dock (Cobb) who shoots Coaley.

When I first saw the scene I thought Coaley had fired both shots, and, like you, wondered what happened to Coaley after that scene.


Jack was never stiff. Stiff means dull and lifeless something someone who is cool cannot be. Jack is constantly labeled that way, and it shows ignorance and a complete disregard for his work.


Great portrayal of a paranoid psychopath. Amazing that he did Hawaii 5-0 ten years later. That's versatility.


It sure is. Jack was a very underrated actor.


I thought this was a well done performance by Lord. In fact, I don't know if it's been mentioned at all, but I can almost imagine that Michael Biehn patterned his Johnny Ringo character in Tombstone on Coaley. Even the look/dress seemed similar.

Conquer your fear, and I promise you, you will conquer death.
