Walter Matthau

I saw a poster for this in Pizzeria Uno of all places and saw that Walter Matthau was in it. I haven't actually seen it, so I decided I should put this in the message board section rather than the comments section. I had no idea that Matthau was in a movie with Elvis! I was a diehard Matthau fan and read his obituaries religiously, and I don't remember any mention of him being in a movie with Elvis. I'm sure he got a kick out of telling his friends, family, and neighbors that he was in a movie with Elvis Presley. He wasn't the only one, of course, but I can imagine that Mr. Curmudgeon himself would have been more amused that he was cast in an Elvis movie than other actors might have been. It seems like such an odd pairing, like putting Britney Spears in a movie with Dustin Hoffman or something. But it certainly aroused my curiosity. Maybe I will be able to find it somewhere. I had heard of it before, knew Elvis was in it, just didn't know Matthau was in it or anything about it.

E. Goodman
Medford, MA


Matthau is very good in the film as a local mobster. Check it out I think you'll enjoy Matthau's performance. I'm guessing you'll even be surprised at how good an actor Elvis could be.


Here's a quote that I found that I think you might be interested in. --Jonny

“He was an instinctive actor...He was quite bright...he was very intelligent...He was not a punk. He was very elegant, sedate, and refined, and sophisticated.”
Walter Matthau, who co-starred with Elvis in King Creole (1958). From a 1987 interview.


Yes, Matthau was really good. May he R.I.P.

Slave To The Music


Just watched this the other night. Matthau is HILARIOUS in this, and played the hell out of his role! The part where he makes Danny sign the blank piece of paper is genius! And Vic Morrow as his henchman, Shark, is appropriately slimy. Also interesting to see Matthau and Morrow together almost 20 years before BAD NEWS BEARS.


You should definitely check this movie out. This is one of my favorite movies and it would not have been the same if either of the two (Matthau or Elvis) weren't in it. They really worked well together and the plot was actually serious, not like Elvis' later movies, so you should definitely watch this if you get the chance.


Matthau was also very upset when Elvis didn't get an Oscar nomination for this film. He raved about what a brilliant young actor he was in many interviews I've heard over the years.


Matthau was a great man and actor, and so was Elvis. I'm upset because Elvis and Matthau didn't get nominations :/

But in those days, rock and roll singer just couldn't get nomination, because old people were those who decide, and it was then music of young peoples, and old one just hate it.



comparing britney spears with elvis is like comparing you with einstein. Elvis is the king, and LONG LIVE THE KING OF ROCK AND ROLL!!!


Elvis was the real deal. Not superficial, plastic and self-absorbed as todays performers.



That is correct.One of them is one of the greatest influential artists or all time...the other is Britney spears.


James Dean was supposed to play Danny Fisher. His death caused one of the strangest re writes ever.

New York Jewish boxer becomes New Orleans singer.


Early in his career before he turned to.comedy.He was a great actor, Elvis a great singer.


I'm going through his films now and watched 'King Creole' and 'Frankie and Johnny' last night. Loved both. I know people hate on the later movies for being cheesy and low quality but Elvis always seems to put his all in it. He's VERY funny and I enjoy seeing his lighter roles. But yea, 'Creole' is top notch. I was watching the hospital scene where he breaks down about 'owing a lot of people' and thought 'give this man an Oscar!' so sad to know he was snubbed. But the Academy has always been very biased and political, sadly.
