Can words explain it? I do not know! F*&%ing epic! This is my 4th Kurosawa film I have watched. My first was Seven Samurai at 18 (left dissapointed, maybe I was too young), second being Ran (truly great but, didn't really care for it), third was Rashomon (F'ing amazing cinematography :self-realization- Kurosawa is amazing), and finally I have seen this, and I am at a loss for words. It's dramatic at times, action-filled, and sometimes downright hysterical thanks to the antics of Tahei and Matakishi...i mean they kept me chuckling the entire time. The first hour WAS NOT SLOW. Something about this film just captivated and kept me there for the entire time, despite not putting it in until 1 am, and lasting until 3:20, with no tired bug at all. How epic was that battle with Tadokoro and Makabe oh my goodness!? Does anyone else feel the same way? That despite all the critically acclaimed Kurosawa films, this just has SOMETHING, something magical I would have to say. I am ebulliant about this film, please tell me someone else feels the same!


It is an excellent film, no doubt. You should probably go back and try Seven Samurai again, because that is a brilliant film as well; but if you really want a treat of Kurosawa greatness, be sure to see Yojimbo. Kurosawa is awesome; he is undoubtedly one of the greatest filmmakers of all time, and I find myself loving everything I see of his - even though I cannot explain why.

Mifune is brilliant in every role he plays for Kurosawa. The two of them together is always awesome.



I also recommend Sanjuro. It has the similar comic element that captivated me in Hidden Fortress and the final scene is an absolute classic.


Great movie. Kurosawa was a true master. This movie kept my attention all the way through. The princess was beautiful and adorable in her tomboyish mannerisms. The peasants were funny and annoying sometimes. Mifune was great as usual. I love epic adventure movies and this one was a great one.


I completely agree with the film 'keeping my attention.' My heart raced throught the duel even when I watched it a second time. There's something mythic about this film.


The fight scene with the spears is absolutely brilliant! One of the best fight scenes ever.

You're excitement has inspired to watch this again, right now.


This was an amazing adventure. It's a shame "The Hidden Fortress" is somehow an underrated Kurosawa film.


"Ran (truly great but, didn't really care for it)"

You call something truly great yet you didn't care for it? Makes no sense.

"People scare better when they're dying"
Frank , OATITW
