This Movie Made Me Crazy

I couldn't believe the characters behaviour. I wanted to grab them all and punch them out. For one thing the way all the men felt about the daughter-in-law. Sure she was hot but her father-in-law and both brothers-in-law to carry on about it in front of everybody. The married sister asking her sister in law to stay with her husband when she knew how he felt about her. The younger sister, the bimbo slut, settling for Pluto, come on. And they just went and kidnapped 'an albino' and nobody thought anything of it, not even Pluto who was campaining to be sheriff. Also I didn't get Will wanting to reopen the mill and all the people cheering outside, were they all that stupid? What did they think turning on the switches would achive? The only amazing thing about this movie is all the TV Stars to come out of it. Incredible!
Anyone have any thoughts?


You’ve pretty well covered it for me.

Though there’s something quaint about it; a sense of Dogpatch gone wild, as a story it comes of as almost totally ridiculous to me.

“Your thinking is untidy, like most so-called thinking today.” (Murder, My Sweet)


a sense of Dogpatch gone wild
Now that is a funny and accurate description!

I need my 1987 DG20 Casio electric guitar set to mandolin, yeah...


Caldwell's "tobacco Road" deals with the same kind of poor white trash Southerners as this does. Back in the day when "God's Little Acre" was first published it was resoundly condemned by just about every church. I, for one, have a very hard time sitting through this kind of thing. Like the first writer on this thread I just want to dump them all in a hole and bury them forever. Some may love these silly and sickening dolts, but not me. I hope the SOuth of today has gotten a mind and turned away from its brain dead, redneck ways.

Let it be unsaid: insignificance is the locus of true increpation.


bimbo slut So unnecessary.


What about all the holes he was digging in the garden? So silly! If this is what counts for 1959s American realism then thanks but no ta.


For me there were too many subplots and not any of them terribly well developed: the mill shutdown and the impact on the town and Also Ray; Aldo Ray-Tina Louise relationship; Jack Lord-Tina Louise Relationship; the black farmhand trying to keep the farm alive; the albino story; Buddy Hackett love for Robert Ryan's daughter and him running for Sheriff; and on and on. And the main plot of digging for gold falls into the background. Good acting but the overt way the brother goes after Tina Louise in front of Jack Lord or Also Ray carries on with her in front of his wife was, at best, confusing.
