Full length version?

Just watched this in Film4 and it's the 91min version. Does the full length 118min version exist anywhere?


There is no 118m version. The only place a 118m version is mentioned is Maltin's Film Guide. Halliwell's and the Radio Times film guides give 91m as does the BFI website.


Yes, I've wondered about this too. As you said, every source except Maltin lists the film's running time at 91 minutes. You can usually tell when a film has been cut and there's nothing here that looks as though anything's been edited out -- certainly not 27 minutes' worth. That's a lot of plot to get rid of without a trace. I think Maltin simply got some bad information.

Gideon of Scotland Yard will be coming out on DVD this fall (2013). Details on a new thread I'm posting here.


This is one of my favourite British films..the period detail is fascinating, and the lack of traffic in central London hilarious! I checked the running time of this movie some time ago with the B.F.I. They say that it only ever ran for around 91 minutes, even in cinema release.
This 'missing' 27-30 mins (depending on the source consulted) never existed, and therefore wasn't there to be cut. The version we see on t.v. is the film John Ford shot. A director of his stature would never have sanctioned such a draconian cut of 30 mins to his picture in any case! There WAS a brief spoken epilogue, however..although it was deleted by Ford himself before release.
Hope that helps!
