MovieChat Forums > The Fly (1958) Discussion > Catching the fly....

Catching the fly....

Saw this last night for the first time in many years. Really enjoyed it.
Obviously not as in depth as the remake....but both are very good movies.

One thing that I thought was actually funny and ridiculous though was when Andre wrote to his wife that she needs to get the fly for him to have a chance.
Ok..As if it's that easy. Catching a fly without a swatter ( which will kill it ) is almost impossible. And then, when it gets caught by the son and he lets it loose in the outside, She tells Andre and makes it sound like it is no big deal.
"Don't Worry, We'll Catch it tomorrow". As if she knows for a fact the fly will just come back and not go away forever. of course, it did come back because it's part of the movie. But The reality is..if your life depended on catching a fly that was free outside, you might as well be looking for a 4 leaf clover.

I just really thought her mellow unruffled confident attitude about getting the fly the next day was actually incredibly unrealistic and / or bad acting. No one would react like that.


The fly had a man head and knew it needed to be caught in order to get its fly head back.


Catching a fly without a swatter ( which will kill it ) is almost impossible.

not at all. you can easily catch a fly by putting both of your hands together above it (as if you clap your hands, it will fly right into your hand "trap").
