MovieChat Forums > Dracula (1958) Discussion > Bloopers near the end

Bloopers near the end

Watch carefully near the big fight scene near the end. Dracula drops to his knees and starts screaming a second before Van Helsing rips the curtains open. Also during the fight scene the stack of books props fall over to reveal that they're a fake stack stuck together instead of a pile of individual books.


I've always thought his reaction was premature! My favorite scene is when Vanhelsing fries Lucy's forehead with the crucifix! His staking of her was pretty cool too! Then there's Mina's expression when she comes home from a night of Vampire loving with Dracula! The expression on her faces is "I've just had the best lay I've had in a long time!" LOL!


Dracula dropped to his knees before Van Helsing ripped the curtains open because he was trying get out of the sunlight before it was too late for him. He didn't get his feet out in time and was crippled.


Dracula dropped to his knees before Van Helsing ripped the curtains open because he was trying get out of the sunlight before it was too late for him. He didn't get his feet out in time and was crippled.

Yes, this is definitely what happened. The ankles crumbled to dust in a closeup. I just watched that part. People need to look closer. This is even listed as a goof here. Tsk, tsk.


If you look closely, you'll see the books were (deliberately) tied in a bundle.

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Yeah, really...I mean how much time did Dracula spend reading?



A definite Blooper. Dracula is clearly reacting BEFORE the blinds are opened.

I also found it odd that Dracula just stood there as Cushing ran right past him to the drapes.


Yeah, really...I mean how much time did Dracula spend reading?

Centuries. It must have gotten rather boring living out the decades in that mountaintop castle -- and with no TV! Can't go rampaging every night; so, put into the tomb with a good book.

"This nut thinks he's a vampire!"


Also during the fight scene the stack of books props fall over to reveal that they're a fake stack stuck together instead of a pile of individual books.

LOL. How very Hammer.

God I love these movies. To be able to have that kind of low-budget goofiness and still be so atmospheric and well-delivered is really something.

Get on up.


I prefer to think that Drac was anticipating the pain the sun was going to bring.

A shining rewards a small journey backwards in time brings.


I'll look for it, thanks.


heres a bootleg of it

go to 1:15

at the end, this weaker than expected Dracula sees Van Helsing about to pull down the window drapes , knows its daylight time so he dives under the table.

No blooper.


It's no bloopers. Dracula desperately throws himself out of the way in sheer panic when he realizes what Van Helsing is going to do as he runs for the window. Actually he doesn't drop on his knees, he falls back.

If you believe his reaction is too quick and over the top, think he may be anticipating the pain. The sun is like acid to him.

And as it's been mentioned, the books are tied. Remember Harker was hired by Dracula as a librarian to sort his books. So it makes sense they are tied (they did it on old times), it's probably books he had grouped and stored away.

Once again a typical case of an inattentive audience member putting the blame on the film... :)

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