MovieChat Forums > Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958) Discussion > Why Big Daddy loved Brick and not Gooper

Why Big Daddy loved Brick and not Gooper

This is just a theory, listening to Gooper go on about his whole life he always did what Big Daddy wanted him to do, be what he wanted him to be, etc., it seems to me the problem was Gooper tried too hard and in vain. Brick didn't HAVE to try to BE anything, he just WAS, and Big Daddy knew it.


Big Daddy always thought that, Gooper wasn't really his son. In the movie, Big Momma says that she nearly fainted the first time that Big Daddy kissed her and that by the time that they got married... she was full with Gooper. I've always taken that to mean, that Big Momma was pregnant before she met Big Daddy.


That doesn't really follow. It's pretty plain that she says she's pregnant when she and Big Daddy married, but why would you assume he wasn't the father? When she says she was "swole with Gooper", it just means pregnant; that term doesn't indicate how far along in the pregnancy she was. And what does the first kiss have to do with anything? You're reading too much into it. Big Daddy preferred Brick because he wasn't docile--couldn't be pushed around like Gooper. Brick reminded Big Daddy more of himself.


why would you assume he wasn't the father? When she says she was "swole with Gooper", it just means pregnant...And what does the first kiss have to do with anything?

Seriously, re-read what you just wrote, lol.


In reply to... gosh717.

Big Momma was probably already pregnant when she met Big Daddy...If you care to follow the film, Big Momma said she nearly fainted when Big Daddy kissed her for the first time... that's why I assume Goober isn't Big Daddy's son...!


Goober was not Big Daddy's son. I assume he thought he wouldn't mind, then he had his own son Brick.



Ida tells the story about the first time Big Daddy kissed her. She said she was 3 months pregnant and fainted. I can't imagine they would have conceived a child out of wedlock in the 1920's Deep South without even kissing first?



Well there are only 2 kids more than a couple years apart ---- The Baby of the family always gets more attention , love physical things
