Joanna Barnes

I just had to mention how hysterically funny Joanna Barnes was in this movie as Patrick's stuck-up fiancee Gloria Upson. That hoity-toity voice she used was so funny and I love when she tells that story of her and her girlfriend playing ping pong at the club..."And I stepped on the ball." Has me on the floor every time.


"It was ghastly... just ghastly!" lmao

"Parfaits just might be the best damn thing on Earth!" Donkey from shrek


It's one of the great comic performances of all time. No matter how many times I hear her ping pomg anecdote, it still completely cracks me up.


She was great in this movie. Did you know that she also played the golddigger girl friend Vickie in the original "Parent Trap"?


She was wonderful in THE PARENT TRAP too.


Holy crap!! That's the same woman? I had no idea. (I also didn't look it up because I couldn't without your post, have ever made that connection!) OMG. I adore the Parent Trap (the original of course). She's good at playing stuck up evidently. But that voice she uses here as Gloria just floors me. I never would have known they're the same actress!

Sic vis pacem para bellum.


"I think books are awwwwfully decorative, don't you?"

The way that Mame plays off of this twit, and her family, is hysterically funny.


I, for one, was rather disappointed that the special features on "Parent Trap" DVD showed only a brief clip of an interview with her. And, of course, there were no interviews on the 'Auntie Mame' DVD.

Sadly, most of her acting was done on television shows which may never see the light of day again on DVD, or may not be worth buying a whole season of just to get a glimpse of her.

It's a shame there is no fan site or official site for her. I did manage to find a few photos on the web including what I assume is a recent photo, and she is looking great! Sad to say, I also found that she was widowed in 2002.

I only hope she knows that she has brought joy to many, many people with her performance in 'Auntie Mame'!

I'm scared to death that Jensy is going to drop her [fire] baton and fry like a Buddhist monk! - Wayne Wayne Wayne, Jr.


Aside from her and the actor who played Patrick, the rest of the cast of "Auntie Mamie" have died so they probably felt that it was not worth doing and interview with just them. jmo. I would have loved to see what they thought of their characters though.


Pippa Scott (Pegeen) is also still alive.

Thank you, thank you--you're most kind. In fact you're every kind.


Yes she played brainless Gloria very well.



"I just stuffed myself at Schraft's!"

I can resist anything but temptation.



I worked at the Montecito Library where Joanna Barnes was a patron. I had to restrain myself from asking her if she didn't think books were awfully decorative. Now I'll never know.

I loved her in this role. It is one of the highlights.


"I had to restrain myself from asking her if she didn't think books were awfully decorative."

Well, as she's written several books, I'm sure she's gotten many a chuckle out of that line being so identified with her.

"'Nature,' Mr. Allnut, is what we are put here to rrrrrriiiiise above!"


Yes, she is so funny and so beautiful. I always loved her hair and hair color in this movie. Just gorgeous.

Every time I see this movie I can't help thinking that Gloria would be the perfect daughter for the "Thurston Howell's"!

"I told you a million times not to talk to me when I'm doing my lashes"!


I`d seen this movie when I was about 8 y/o, so when I saw the first 'Parent Trap' film years later, I recognized her immediately. Itz the voice and eyes I think. They`re pretty distinctive. ~Jenn


"I cahn't tell you how pleased I am to have made your acquaintance." Accompanied by the straight-arm, over-the-shoulder handshake.

"Tell you what . . . the truth is . . . sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it." --Jack Twist


And she could be equally adept at nuance and understatement. There is her brief but indelible performance as the spoiled and bored patrician, Claudia, in "Spartacus". In a movie full of memorable lines, she casually delivers a real gem. She keeps everything in check but you can't help but feel she's channeling her inner Gloria Upson as she and Nina Foch go shopping for gladiators to fight to the death for their personal amusement. She points to Woody Strode and says "I want the most beautiful.[sighs] I'll take the big black one."


I can't believe I missed that --I am usually very good at spotting people from one movie to the next--I need to watch my Auntie Mame DVD again now--I always loved her in the Parent Trap---"I hate this stinkin fresh air"!!! I just didn't make the connection--but I loved her in Auntie Mame too!


I remember her in a re-occuring role in the earliest episodes of the Beverly Hillbillies,as Cynthia Fenwick and playing basically the same character as Gloria Upson with the exact same stuffy n'yooose accent..oh Mummsie


While I think her role as Vickie in 'The Parent Trap' will always be my favorite (since it was the first time I ever saw her in anything), I adored Joanna Barnes in this. She's one of the best things in a movie chock full of great performances. I've only seen her in three movies (the two mentioned above and then in the remake of 'Parent Trap' with Lindsay Lohan), but she cracks me up every time.

~You know, James....I was always better.
