MovieChat Forums > Peter Gunn (1958) Discussion > The 1967 Gunn movie didn't make sense in...

The 1967 Gunn movie didn't make sense in relation to the series

The feature film "Gunn" was obviously strongly influenced by the spy movie craze of the time, such as James Bond and Matt Helm. What's with that weird psychedelic opening credits sequence? And how many girlfriends does Gunn need in the same movie? I thought he was supposed to be going steady with Edie!

And is the movie supposed to be "in continuity" with the series, or some kind of reboot? It was basically an extended version of the very first episode of the TV show. How can the exact same stuff happen twice?


My sense at the time was that Peter Gunn was going great guns in reruns and that producer-director Blake Edwards saw a good thing and went for the opportunity to make at least the Gunn character popular again. I believe that Gunn lead player Craig Stevens was popular after the show went off the air, had been in demand for all kinds of things, so Edwards went with him rather than a younger guy. I think the movie was just a one shot "thing" that got spun around the block. It didn't cost a lot to make, so I guess the attitude was WTF, why not?


Interesting points.
