New to Gunn

I just discovered Peter Gunn on MeTV. The channel was just added to our cable. However, the cable bill is about to go up and we are considering canceling the cable. (Why can't we just pay for the channels we watch?!) I'm hoping one particular episode airs before, if, we cancel the cable. Anyway, great show and I'm really enjoying it!


I know this post is several months old but I watch MeTv for free via digital converter box, comes in as clear as cable and no monthly fees.


Me-tv is great, but they show it at weird times, I'm happy because now it's on Hulu plus so I can watch for hours... I love this show.



A little ingenuity and today's electronics you should have many ways to watch fella. Whether it's online, YouTube, rabbit tv etc. So don't give up. Call someone young:-)
