Robert 'Bobby' Morris the heavy in "Hey Teach" and George Maharis' buddy in "Four Sweet Corners", the Route 66 "mini-pilot", (very mini), both form the first season. Supposedly he was up for the Todd Stiles part in Route 66 when he died suddenly so Martin Milner wound up with the part.

IMDB links the name "Robert Morris" to a British actor who is still very much alive:
This actor was born in 1940 yet he has credits for American TV series from 1955-1961, when he would have been ages 15-21. The rest of his credits are all in England. He looks nothing like the actor in the Naked City episodes, (who has beady eyes, a very strong jaw line and blonder hair- unfortunately no on-line picture available)

I suspect Naked City's Robert Morris, (called Bobby in James Rosin's books about Naked City and Route 66), is probably this guy:
---who seems to have died at the appropriate time but has no history other than the dates and places of his birth and death. I suspect that the 1955-61 credits on the British actor belong to this guy.

The past is a series of presents. The present is living history we are privileged to witness


Good Question....Wondered why we haven't seen more of the actor that played those two parts. I looked at the Photos of the British Actor (Link you Posted) and put up the video from HEY TEACH, paused and looked at them side by side. I see very little resemblance, I'm Leaning towards the actor that was born in 1935 Pennsylvania. The actor in "HEY TEACH" looked a little older than a high school student. If it was the guy from Penn born in 1935 that would make him about 25 at the time of his death, wonder what happened? Too bad we can't make a positive I.D. Hope someone else comes up with some info.
