Remember This Episode?

I'm wondering about a certain episode.I don't know from what season or the title but it's when Donna goes to a house and I don't remember if she's collecting for charity but the strange family actually keep her from leaving and her family worries when she doesn't return.One of her captives is an elderly woman.Does anyone remember this episode?


Yea, I saw it just the other morning on MeTV.

The House on the Hill
Season 5, Episode 24 (28 Feb. 1963)

featuring Kathryn Givney (1896–1978) as Mrs. Allison.

It's the obligatory haunted house episode, a sit-com staple. I'm kind of hooked on The Donna Reed Show. I never realized it was on for 8 seasons. Amazing.


Thanks for the information.I appreciate it.
