MovieChat Forums > 77 Sunset Strip (1958) Discussion > Don't waste your money here...

Don't waste your money here...

I bought what was supposed to be a complete set of 77 Sunset Strip and it was a BIG waste of $99. There were many episodes missing and most were VERY poor copies- you can't even make out faces of the actors. The site is:


Thanks for letting us know. I certainly appreciate it.


Does this collection include the 1960 episode (#16) "Switchburg" ?

I just bought a collection of the same quality for Name Of The Game. Not all episodes, variable quality (transferred from VHS) etc. I might be interested in this one, too; we probably won't live to see these shows released properly in our lifetimes.

Bill L.


I'm not even sure which episodes are missing. I just know the episode I bought it for wasn't there. When I first got the collection, I did painstakingly go thru the beginning of each to try to catch the episode titles looking for the one I wanted. I don't remember one called "Switchburg". But then some were so distorted & couldn't be read.
Sorry you got "taken" also. Sad that it probably won't be released for a long time- in our lifetime like you say.


'Switchburg' is from Season 2, so it's been shown in regular rotation on ALTV and Me-too. That should be one of the easier ones to find. I have it.



Do you also happen to have the episode "Crashout", Season 5, episode 17? When MeTV was playing 77 Sunset Strip, I couldn't get it in California- was only in Chicago. I thinks it's out here now- but to my knowledge, the series hasn't been on again yet. I'll check though.



Somehow this reminds me of a fellow I knew who had all the old Star Trek tv shows taped. All he had was a VCR and a TV with a rabbit ears antenna. He lived in a trailer that was a long way from the TV station. Needless to say he did not have quality recordings. That did not stop him from transferring them to DVDs.

The last I heard he was selling them. I wonder if the character who was selling 77 Sunset Strip did not do the same thing?
