1959 bus tour

My Grandma was in Bloomington/Normal IL in the fall of 1959. She was a nurse, just getting off of work, when a bus pulls up & out comes Connie Stevens, Kookie Burns, Efrem Zimbalist & Alan Hale. My Grandma was invited to hang out with them, but she won't give me details(she's 75, and her memory probably isn't the best.) Well, I've been looking all over the internet to see if there was any record of them all going on a midwest tour, but there's nothing. If anyone has any info please write me a note here or send me a private message. Thanks! :)


Perfect Love casts out all fear.


Hi Annie Bell.I dont know if you got your info yet but maybe try Googling the info or maybe try to contact Eddie Byrnes and see if you can get info that way


No, I haven't gotten any info, yet. I'll have look him up. :)

edit: Looked up Edd, Couldn't find an address. I DID find Efrem's. Really hope he doesn't mind answering my question.


Perfect Love casts out all fear.


Your story is so interesting. Can you let us know what happens?? I am a fan of the show.


Well, so far, nothing. I wrote Efrem back in December. I don't know how quickly he goes through his fan mail, so I'll be patient. :)


Perfect Love casts out all fear.


He may not be in the best of health. His website is no longer up. I wrote to him about 25 years ago asking if he knew why his show was not in syndication nor released on tape. He wrote me (in his own hand) a two-page response well reflective of his gentlemanly nature. PS: As you are obviously a fan, you should consider his autobiography; it's quite fascinating.


It's been four years since you posted your message. My guess is that you were not able to find the answer to your question. Being from near Bloomington, IL, I was interested in finding out what YOU have found out! I was 11 years old and a big 77 Sunset Strip fan at the time.

I wonder if you might have luck if you contact Connie Stevens. I found her web site and there is a link to contact her on it. Please post back if you find anything!



Did you ever happen to verify the existence of this Warner Bros. promotional tour? I ask because I'm writing about someone who used to work for Warner Bros. Records, and then went on to work for Motown Records, and he remembers this tour. In fact, he says, its existence may have influenced the decision to launch the Motown touring revue, which travelled across the US in the early 1960s, with all the Motown artists on board. But he doesn't remember anything else about it. Your grandmother's recollection certainly suggests it existed! Regards...


Annie Bell
I am 71 years old, now. I was at the theater the day that bus tour arrived at the Irving Theater during my lunch period. I was in my sophomore year of high
school and attending the old high school at that time. The next year, I attended
high school in the new high school.

Anyway, the bus was supposed to arrive during our lunch period, but didn't. We just couldn't leave, the girls I hung around with and me. We stayed until the bus arrived. Oh, so worth the trouble we got in that day! Believe your grandmother if she is still with you. It was our first ever seeing a TV star in real life. To think it was Connie Stevens, Efrem, Roger Moore and Ed (Kooky).

The State Farm building where my older sister was working had a great view of the theater. I asked my sister if she was one of those at the windows watching, when I looked over at it to see if they were at the windows. The entire corner of the building was full of people, all floors.

They were promoting something, I thought some film that was coming, but not sure on that.

When, we got back to school, no matter what door any of us went in, someone was there to tell us that we were to be at a certain study hall right after school.
They had all our names, as the teachers reported who was missing in every class.
They were prepared for such a thing happening. Staying after for study hall was not the worst for me, as I had chores to do right after school at home. I paid double. When you get this Annie Bell, email me at [email protected], please.

I want to know that you finally have confirmation that your grandmother told you the truth and did not make whatever she told you was true. Such memories of her will grow more precious as the years go by. I am finding out my nieces want any kind of memories I have of my older sister, their mother. I now have a great great niece named after my older sister and she will grow up to be so like her grandmother. Mary
