MovieChat Forums > 77 Sunset Strip (1958) Discussion > now available on Warner Archives streami...

now available on Warner Archives streaming site

The series (years 2 through 6) is available on the new website for Warner Archives streaming, which appears to be similar to netflix in how it works. It's $9.99 a month and there's a two week free trial offer right now.


Please supply the correct link so we can be sure we're going to the right place. Thanks.

I watch alotta TV...but that doesn't mean I don't have a job.


I was on the site a few times and it seemed they only showed a limited amount of episodes per season.

For 10 dollars a month I want all the episodes represented.

They also have similar condensed content of Hawaiian Eye, and zilch for Surfside 6 and Bourbon Street Beat.

The price is not commensurate with the content.


What they're doing is testing the waters. If enough people sign up, they'll
release more episodes.

Reason? According to George Feltenstein (head of marketing at Warner's)
it actually costs a pretty penny to clean up the prints and transfer
them for broadcast quality, whether it's DVD or streaming. These shows
are old and the 35 MM prints need some restoration before they're
viewable for today's viewers. It ain't cheap. They want to make certain
there's an audience.


I agree that it's probably expensive to clean them up, but most of them were shown fairly recently (two years ago) on Me-too and they looked pretty good, like they'd already been cleaned up.


I noticed this on another thread after after I posted that. You're
probably right - they are already ready for streaming, so now I'm
stumped again. Perhaps it's just the passage of time. Today, for
instance, all "oldies" radio shows play '80's songs, not '50's/'60's.
I think TV, too, is geared towards that decade. Too bad. I think
the '80's is the single most embarrassing decade in pop culture. Awful
music and fashions; terrible TV.


There is probably some truth to that. Most people who want to see 77 SS, Hawaiian Eye, Surfside 6, and Bourbon Street Beat are mostly in their 60s or older. And generally, these arent the target audiences the sponsors are that interested in.

But it seems like a paradox for the Warner Instant Archive content, as the vast bulk of this content would only be appreciated by the older generation.

I would really love to see "all" the old WB detective shows, and am such a big fan would gladly pay a premium of 10-15 dollars a month to watch them. But I have no interest if they just have a small fraction of them available online. And not a single Surfside 6 or Bourbon Street Beat episode.

Really lame.



An update to my recent posting. It seems Warner Archive streaming has added some Surfside 6 episodes.

But I now see in the "Leaving Soon" category, all the 77 Sunset Strip and Hawaiian Eye episodes. So they are recycling content and decided to nix these shows from their content.

Are they nuts??!! Who is running this site?? The only hope they could have that some people would pay an inflated price of 10 dollars a month would be to keep their vaunted WB television shows (and all of them) up and running 24/7.

This is looney.
