MovieChat Forums > Zero Hour! (1958) Discussion > Yes, there are melodramatic moments...

Yes, there are melodramatic moments...

...the woman going to pieces on the plane, and Jerry Paris slapping her across the face and telling her to "pull yourself together," the abysmal performance of Linda Darnell, the too-cute little boy...


"Zero Hour!" has got to be one of the most suspenseful and entertaining of films. I saw it when it first came out in 1957. I enjoyed it then, and I enjoy it now. Those were the days when films had a beginning, a middle, and an ending. There was not one trace of blood, or the sight of somebody being disemboweled or being devoured by vampires.

I am an old man, incurably square, and incurably sentimental. I long for "the good ole days" of films like "Zero Hour!"

"First the worst. Second the same. Last the best of all the game."


I just saw it on TCM -- for the first time.

I thought it was quite well done.

Quite surprising that the Airplane writers could turn a decent drama into such a comedy.


If you like "Zero Hour!", you will love "Island in the Sky", a terrific John Wayne film with great old planes and fine characterizations plus a harrowing plotline. Actually, you've probably already seen it!


I have no problem with Linda Darnell's performance, but, sadly, appearance wise, she was a long way from her first teaming with Andrews ''Fallen Angel.( By the way, so was he.)


How dare they age!


''Fallen Angel'' was made only twelve years before this one. Drinking and smoking to excess accentuated the aging process of both. I am a fan of Andrews and Darnell-but, it's sad to see what their vices did to them-and their careers.


and sweating. Everyone faces are covered with beads of water by the time they all head to the tower (Rapunzel!). Either the airport had no AC, or they all must have had drinking problems.

A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.


Island in the sky was not a patch on this film.

Its that man again!!


For those of us that have been in the crash position on landing this movie is a bit unsettling. I thought it was a pretty good film and Geoffrey Toone as the doctor was especially good. The ending seemed a bit abrupt. I was looking forward to a Hayden-Andrews meeting.
