Best gun turret action ever seen in movies

Fantastic realism. Great to see real trained turret crews in action, complete with the clang of the empty shell casings and the buzzer indicating the guns were loaded, followed immediately by the blast.

Most scenes today showing cannon fire feature a wimpy billow of smoke and no sound of the case hitting the deck. Aggravates the bejaysus out of me.


Technically they're "guns" as the armour is open at the back! All the crews operating the guns were serving Royal Navy personnel, with the whole production very much being seen as a training opportunity.


Technically they're "guns" as the armour is open at the back!

Point taken. I loved the sound of the shell casings hitting the deck and that "ready-to-fire" buzzer. So many movies leave out those little details.

On a lesser scale, they've gone to butane or some kind of muzzle flash device on rifles and handguns instead of firing blanks. Drives me nuts to see guys blazing away on full auto and not a shell casing in sight.
