The Lawyer's Office

Of all the lawyers in The phone book, Rose picks the one with an office right next to an American Life office. I am not sure if that's the office that was robbed and Balestereo went to for the loan, but it seemed to coincidental. I started to thnk conspiracy with the tellers and lawyer when I saw that. Far fetched I know but I think Hitch threw that in there for that reason.

"light is faster than sound. That is why some people appear bright until they open their mouth"


Truth is stranger than fiction, and Hitch didn't "throw anything in there." The owner of the Stork Club, where Manny worked, was instrumental in finding him an attorney who happened to have his office in the same Victor Moore Arcade in Jackson Heights (a combination bus terminal/mini-mall of its day) that housed the insurance company that was robbed. All this was within walking distane of Manny's house.
