Two Versions?

According to a member of the Britmovie forum, the film was photographed in CinemaScope and spherical 1.33:1 for the 1.85:1 widescreen ratio.
There is a lot of poster artwork available on the internet that clearly state CinemaScope but only the 1.33 version (definately not pan and scan) is available on video.
I have an old issue of What's On In London from July, 1958 and it clearly states CinemaScope.
Is there anybody that can clearly remember seeing it and also may know some collector that has such a print?


I just bought a copy of the Warner Archive Collection version and the aspect ratio is 1.85:1.


I went to see Tarzan and the Lost Safari in 1958 when I was eleven, as the top half of a double-bill with The Law and Jake Wade and I can definitely recall that both films were in CinemaScope. Somewhere along the way, the 'Scope version appears to have been lost and only the "flat" version has been shown on television and released on the Warner Archive DVD.


As it was on TCM today what a letdown well the framing was better then it was in The Miracle

See some stars here


I'm from the world of 1947 and also saw it in the movies when it came out but did not see it with the same top half in the Bronx....
