Suggest a title....

...because The Tall Stranger is an absolute stinker.

But what I really wanted to mention about this film was already covered by one of the reviews:

Very admirably, although many of the characters are good-natured, there is no sentimentality in the movie until suddenly, out of the blue, comes a moment of real sentimentality - and it works. It has real impact! Two of the settlers, a young woman (Virginia Mayo) and her son, have taken refuge with Ned in a barn owned by Hardy. Hardy is planning to ambush the settlers to drive them off his land. Ned tries to reason with him to no avail. He points to the woman and her son, and asks Hardy what threat are they to him. Hardy blusters that he did not invite them onto his land, and that he is going ahead with his intended massacre. The boy goes over to Hardy, looks up him with a child's trusting eyes and asks him why he hates them. Hardy looks down at the boy . . . . . and his face crumbles. It's outrageous! It's a blatant tug at our heart strings - and it works! It's the emotional high point of the movie.


Sounds like the set up for Once Upon A Time In The West. With a different resolution to the scene, of course.
