I Don't Get It

This thing was so slipshod and silly from Randy's ever present pinky ring to the sloppy makeup jobs on the fake Injuns, I couldn't stop choking on my escargo! Maybe ok for Garner fans before the illustrious nostalgia of "Maverick", but...I don't get the love for this stale saddle slapper.

Let it be unsaid: insignificance is the locus of true increpation.


Just watched it (again) on British TV. Not that bad, but not one of Scott's best. Odd that the three heroes didn't express concern for the money and valuables that were stolen, along with their clothes and horses. And TWO cases of Instant Romance.




The love is for Randolph. He's just a boss. Throw in a bit of comedy, a couple of pretty ladies, and the knowledge that everything's going to turn out well, and you've got a plateful of comfort food right there.
