A Very Good Movie!

In the 50s there were many Grade B type of movies which were mainly expected to be part of a double feature on Saturdays or maybe during the week day. When you make 100s of those type of movies you are bound to get a gem. This one is it and I highly recommend you watch it. I agree with the summary by ccth that the ending was weak but it still doesn't ruin the movie and is still a great movie and can be enjoyed by all.


I agree. Plunder Road would make a great double bill with Kansas City Confidential (1952), another sweaty, paranoid '50s heist picture. It's available on DVD, and highly recommended if you like Plunder Road.

Unfortunately, Plunder Road is still unavailable on DVD. That needs to change soon!


As of today (Saturday, 3 December 2011), still unavailable on DVD.


For viewers in the USA, Netflix has the film available in the video streaming format.


Just watched it. Excellent movie.


I found PR on youtube last week. Really not a bad little noir. Definitely low budget, but it was entertaining, and the heist sequences were well done.

