I can't believe there's not a MST3K thread after it being in collection 15.

That one guy really does look like Trace on those close ups towards the end.


its been a few days since I watched it so I can't remember it all too well, but I do remember there were a few funny lines, I think this may be the one with the first chapter of commander Cody which was hilarious


Not even MST3K could save this movie. There were a few good jokes; especially in the last 15 minutes, but they were too far apart throughout the whole movie to keep my interest. I would guess there are quite a few people that did not find this episode as entertaining as other episodes. For me, this is one of the least favorite from the series; but it was good enough to keep tv noise in the background (I had to wait for the robot so that I can say I saw the robot mentioned in the title; otherwise my entire viewing experience would have been completely wasted).


I have to agree. So far, this is the only episode of MST3K that I have disliked.

I've got better things to do tonight than die!


I haven't seen that one yet. I wish I could afford some of those sets.


you can watch this and all the other mystery science movies on a site on line


I'm glad that I got to see the original version and not the MST3K butchered version.
