MovieChat Forums > Mon oncle (1958) Discussion > Only 7 topics? This film is a CLASSIC!

Only 7 topics? This film is a CLASSIC!

Man, I liked this so much better than M. Hulot's Holiday (which I also liked and which this film makes me want to re-visit almost immediately).

Tati was an absolute friggin' genius, and I hate throwing that word around. But dammit, it's true in his case!

I'm really wondering why Tati isn't better known in America. He absolutely merits inclusion with the great silent film comedy legends, yet his films weren't silent, which makes them much more easily accessible to modern audiences.

Even people who've never seen a Chaplin or Keaton film know these two legends, the same should be true of Jacques Tati. Besides the comedy, his films are just so beautiful to look at.

When people tell me (as they sometimes do) that I "hate" comedy because I don't think Martin Lawrence and Rob Schneider are funny, a film like this does alot to help keep things in perspective.


I agree with you hundred procent. I love his work. Playtime is his best maybe, a little more pessimistic than his melancholic theme of Mon Oncle. Traffic is somewhat of a miss (gentle kind of saying it is a failure) and also hard to get to see or rent.

I am really glad you liked, but one tip. Because of your "people tell me (as they sometimes do) that I "hate" comedy" quote: do not recommend Jacques Tati to anyone. I did once, and their response after viewing was so horrible I really wish I hadn't. I still remember it, and it bothers me and it confuses me, because I love it so much and I cherish Jacques Tati. You know ppl tell you "what it was" (not what they thought it was) when they hated it, not taking your enthousiastic and loving view of it in account (you were so inspired you couldn't help recommending it because you thought it would be a gift to anyone, you know...).


I love Tati as well and I've recommended him to many people and all have told me that they love him as well. Just think of yourself as having great taste!


Same problem here. Mon Oncle is one of my favourite films but i could never share this experience with others. They always quit after 20 minutes while i'm having the time of my live. 'Guess I'll keep enjoying it myself. There is no better company then Jacques.


Tati is the Rube Goldberg of film. And a nod to Harold Lloyd here, please.

The "script" is hilarious. I kept trying to follow the conversation as I would a typical film and then caught on that the banter is pretty much meaningless. I came with no pre-conceived notions as I stumbled upon the film on TCM.

"I have something to tell you. The company is adding people but they need hard workers. Let's retire to the garden."


And then the fish spouts and the maid has issues with a switch. And people hop-scotch away on stepping stones and aerated water erupts in fountains of blue...and then there's impromptu dancing. Meanwhile someone keeps buzzing to be let in.

This is 1958 and I'd like to think that throughout the 60's there were many a party on that patio with people trying to re-create the hilarity.


How about that saucage shaped dog helping out the garagedoor top open: it only works because by accident it stretches. Talking about happy accidents in film. And the similarity between the dog and his friends and the little boy and his friends. Such a sweet and great film.


Not only do they quit, they blame you for the harm done... Ah!


Perhaps it is because the Tati films are a bit too slowly moving for modern audience? People brought up on music videos and video games will yawn if a minute goes by without furious action.


I adore this movie so much! The part where Hulot goes back to cut that plant and the windows become eyes is genius!
